Hi John. I suspect it is no coincidence that you're named after a toilet.
You're a complete and utter fu©ktard. Just because some sh!t-for-brains with delusions of grandeur "runs a range and used to run a gun shop" -- and I know this because I know far too many of these types of idiots firsthand, probably more than you do, does not mean he is an expert by any stretch of even your small, warped imagination.
You don't "build" shell casings. You draw them. If you're a fu©king idiot or glutton for punishment. A smart person would take an already existing shell casing and trim it to their specifications, and then resize and reshape it. The fact that you do not know this puts you squarely in the "incompetent moron" category. Done all the math? Bullsh!t. You don't even know what math to do, let alone how to do it. So you're full of sh!t.
Done all the math...that would imply you had some technical skill, which you obviously don't have by the very nature of your question. And your "expert friend" is probably neither, considering in most states, firearms don't need to be registered at all. So you're batting zero for zero, fu©kwit.
I know lots of "designs" from rat sh!t specialists like you, and none of them are worth a sh!t. Maybe you should go learn something or at the very least, teach yourself by going to a library and understanding the principles behind firearms before designing something, because how the hell are you designing this thing, anyway? And why? Are you trying to fill a niche that doesn't exist already? If so, why doesn't the product already exist? Who came before you and tried it?
You are both ignorant and arrogant if you think for one second someone else hasn't been down the same road as you and thought of the same things, and either way, you'll be reinventing the wheel, which is what fu©king morons like you do, all day long. And you know what? I'm fu©king tired of listening to everyone's identical "brilliant design."
So take your sorry @ss somewhere to learn something instead of wasting our time with vague bullsh!t and "expert friends" who probably are neither, and either produce your product right, or go pound sand in your @ss. I don't care which.
And the only reason why I'm letting you waste my time is because this is my hobby. Maybe you should get one, too.