The old gun safe nightmare. All these answers are valid, depends on what you have to safe!, The insurance for your entire collection is probably a lot less than the cheapest safe you can buy, besides, it is illegal to steal guns, fed offense, most dumb criminals know this. I have an old mosler, fire proof, explosion proof, vault safe I picked up for free, and there are a lot f them on ebay, you move, mine weighs 1900 lbs, The explosion proof part I don't care about, it will slow down a crook, But,,, One thing I learned in my safe buying days, The old safe had hardened steel plates on the front, could not be peeled, could not be bent, or cut, or hammered, If you did not have a carborundum wheel on a chainsaw, you did not get in it, and even with that, it would take hours. Very few safes had hardened plates on the door, ask the safe guy if it has a hardened steel plate, when they start to stutter, say, I thought not. Anyway, bak to the new safes, most can be opened by a pro in 20 minutes, the older ones, maybe 4 hours, mine would take a pro, 8 hours, and he would die from exhaustion before he got my guns. And if he did get them, he had better have a big truck to get them out. I have built wooden safes that would be harder to crack than most new safes, they only slow down a crook. They won't stop them.