I suggest getting a good loading manual first-Speer,Barnes,Hornady,Lee,etc all have good ones-and having more than 1 is no sin. If you can find a reloading book (not manual) in library check it out for a week. There are lots of YouTube videos on reloading too. You can get most stuff you need in a kit form-RCBS,Lee,Hornady,others but I like some modern stuff like a digital scale instead of a beam scale;some little things like that. You will need a trickler,dial or digital calipers, tumbler or vibrator for cleaning brass,some other small tools. Always good to get a bullet puller just in case too. You spend more on RCBS,Hornady,Lyman than on Lee to start,and while Lee is good I much prefer the more solid feeling cast presses than the Lee. You can look for a lot of this stuff used if you want that route-after doing your research.
Small dent on neck-depends on where,how it got there,if it will be smoothed by the sizing die. Too much case lube can cause dents even. And realize brass "flows" when the cartridge is fired,so it matches to the chamber when all that pressure is applied.
Not enough space on here to get you all the info you need,but there are a lot of forums and sites to help with reloading too. NEVER trust a load or information from someone without verification in a manual or from info from the powder/bullet makers.
If you are like me and not burning through lots of cartridges you can use a single stage to get things done;pistol and LOTS of rifle cartridges means using a turret.
So,read,research,watch,have someone who reloads show you how to do things if possible.