I'm working on purchasing my first Semi-auto rifle in a couple months. This will be the starting point for me as far as semi-auto rifles go. However, I've been doing some research for a couple weeks now and I am very much trying to stay away from a rifle that will simply be "fun at the range." If for whatever reason this may be the only semi-auto rifle i will be able to afford for years to come, I would like it to be something that is reliable and that can hold its own in a very bad situation(typically mentioned SHTF situation). I understand that Colt and Bushmaster are "top of the line," but my current budget requires me to stay under $800(preferably no more than $750). From what I've read, these 4 brands ^ are the best my money can buy. However, if all of these brands are still lacking in quality and reliability, should I take the route of a $700 AK? Any experienced suggestions?