I am against hunting; my boyfriend is a hunter.?
2007-11-26 16:00:34 UTC
I am 100% against animal hunting for game.
I mean, I eat meat... but that's because the animals
are already dead + it would just be going to waste.

I don't know what to say... I mean I already told him
that I am against hunting and all. But just knowing
that he shoots deer for fun really sickens me. He
really cares about me.... but just the thought of hunting
game and all makes me gag.

29 answers:
2007-11-26 16:40:59 UTC
I get a kick out of these people who defend killing. "Oh, there's too many deer! Let's kill some." Well, there's too many people. Should we start killing them for the same reason? Or should we let the the morally sanctified people live? Rapists, murderers, child molesters, cheaters, liars,etc. The human race is just so respectable (sorry about the sarcasm). Hunting is a big money industry. And, like all big money industries, they can afford to spin and create facts to justify their actions. The other comments I love are the "tree hugger" jabs. Yeah, I'm a tree hugger! So what? Let me guess... hunter=strong...lover of life=weak?
joe t
2007-11-27 02:11:04 UTC
OK you want a honest opinion.first thing you need to do is get out of peda and stop eating all the propaganda they are feeding you.since you are a carnivore you have no argument .there is nothing more noble about going to the grocery store and buying meat kosher or other wise ,than going out and doing the dirty work your self .in fact the opposite is true.if this is a major problem then may be you need to find a new boy friend .because asking him to give up some thing that he loves is unfair to him.Peta was started by some extremely rich west cost people that was board with their lives .but that does not give you or any one else the right to judge what you dont under stand or have not experienced.
LeRoy M
2007-11-27 06:28:22 UTC
You might have to find a new boyfriend!

Seriously though, It does cause problems when one loves to hunt and the other hates it.

I don't know what the deer population is like where you live but much of the U.S. is overrun with deer and

they are being hit on the highways in very large numbers. Many people are injured or killed on the highways due to hitting deer or swerving to miss them and causing head on collisions.

Plain and simple, hunters help control deer populations. People tend to think differently about deer when one puts there car out of commission or worse. The people that once enjoyed feeding the deer don't think as highly of them when they eat their flower gardens and ruin their trees.
2007-11-27 09:22:59 UTC
i am sorry u got so many rude comments, the hunt is not the killing that most hunters enjoy, it is just being out there with nature, watching the wildlife. hunting must be done to keep the animals in check, otherwise there would be to many then they would die of sickness which is a much worse death than a bullet. most hunters only try to harvest the mature deer that may not live throught the winter. maybe u should try to just walk along with him sometime and maybe u might understand more. GOOD LUCK!
2007-11-26 17:18:08 UTC
Sorry, dear, but it seems your thinking is a bit backwards. The meat you buy in the store comes from animals raised and killed specifically for the purpose. They basically have no life outside the march to the table. They wouldn't "go to waste" if you weren't eating them, because they wouldn't exist without the market. Hunting, on the other hand, takes the excess population from a population of animals that live as they are meant to live, and it improves the remainder of that population. Hunting is the management tool used to keep the population at maximum vitality.

I grew up hunting in a large and old club in a southern state. When the club was founded, in the 1920's, there were no deer in that part of the state, because of timber and agriculture activity and the encroachment of humans. Thanks to the work of the club and others like it, in the 1960's there were tens of thousands of deer in that club's lands alone, and they became a bit overpopulated. A browse line was visible in the woods, where the deer had eaten everything they could reach, up to a height of about five feet. We had to slaughter hundreds, and it was sickening. By the turn of the century, the population was even greater, but so was the carrying capacity, and the herd was the healthiest it's ever been, all thanks to hunting. Nobody loves deer like a deer hunter, and the overall well-being of the herd is of paramount importance. Compare that to a cow that's bred only to supply your table, and you'll see hunting from a completely different perspective.
2007-11-29 05:25:51 UTC
Here is the thing: I was extremely shocked when I found out my boyfriend (now married) hunted. I kept wondering why he had big guns laying around. So I asked, he explained. For many years in college I was a peace loving tree hugger vegetarian. Now I am just a peace lover (gave up the vegetarianism when I began to bruise easily, got sick too much and needed protein for working out!) . If you eat meat, who are you to judge this guy for hunting. Do you wear leather- shoes -purse??? If he knows how to hunt and follows the regulations laid out by governing agencies, he is hunting humanely. If we did not have hunters, there would be deer, turkey, and bears walking down city streets, waiting at red lights, and standing in mall parking lots (sometimes they are there anyway). I dont like to see my husband clean them, but I just dont watch! If you eat meat, how are you a member of PETA? I dont understand how those two ideaologies coincide. You dont have to go out hunting with him. I had never known anyone who hunted before and I did not understand it. SO, accept his pasttime or get out. Being a hunter does not mean that a person is violent or mean or sadistic. My husband would not even let me crate our dog because he thought it was terrible to put her in there all day. Yet, he is a hunter. HE is a very gentle human, he just hunts. Get off of your moral PETA loving highhorse and decide if you can accept this behavior or not. I see your point, I have been there. But my husband does not want to go shop with me for hours on end because it bores him just like I dont want to go hunt with him because it would bore me. He has his hobbies and I have mine. I will also tell you, if your man is a true hunter--I would not ask him to give it up-it is not fair to him. Talk to him!!
2007-11-26 17:08:32 UTC
Don't knock it till ya try it. Hunting is great it beats paying high prices for meat packed full of sterioids. Deer meat is lots better for ya anyways. Killing the deer with a rifle or a bow is a more ethical and humane way of killing the animal. Anyways just try to support each other in this matter and see if ya can both meet in the middle. Hope this helps ya.
2007-11-27 04:47:37 UTC
well with all that it is said, a long term relationship probably will not work......unless you or your boyfriend are willing to compromise

so this is not a question for the hunting forum as much as it is a question of love, you say he really cares about you.......

and you say that what he does makes you gag......

better to work on a compromise soon, before you both invest in a ltr....what are going to do when you open up that small box on christmas? or if you tell him you are pregnant? and you don't want to compromise on this
2007-11-26 17:12:07 UTC
I'm not sure how to handle this...

You and your BF have more issues than ''What's for dinner?"

As a rule, PETA and hunting aren't comfortably used in the same sentence. Add kosher and it gets more confusing.

The meat you don't eat in the supermarket isn't going to waste, someone else will buy the meat and serve it.

You two need some serious conversation time.
2007-11-26 17:09:03 UTC
So let's see, you knew he was an outdoorsman before you met and now that he is participating you're mad. No? Alright, here's how it went at my house:

1. Girlfriend was well aware of boyfriend's hobbies, including hunting.

2. Boyfriend says object now or forever hold your peace.

3. Boyfriend, later husband, continues to hunt.

If that is the guy you fell in love with, then suddenly there is something you can't deal with, or you've made the same mistake many others're trying to change him.

Here it is...It is time for you to deal with it and let him do his thing or everything you knew about the guy was wrong and you need to stop this now.
Dave Grohl Wanna Be!!!!
2007-11-26 16:05:01 UTC
Then break up with him so you don't have to deal with him.

Or you can forget about that difference and enjoy all the venison every fall!

Edit: Fine I will answer to the best of my ability!

You already know that hunting = Meat

You know that in order to get meat you must kill an animal.

But you just don't like the idea of killing animals.

Have some venison that your boyfriend gets when he shoots his deer and have some. (Spicy Venison Sticks!) And then you will realize why he hunts deer.

Edit Edit: Tell your boyfriend to get the deer prossessed and to get some of the meat because your boyfriend, his dad, and you are missing out on some tasty meals!

Edit Edit Edit: And btw, if he gives the deer to the prossessing plant that means that he is giving away perfectly great meat. Note to you: I said great meat, not good!
2007-11-26 18:21:01 UTC
I am a hunter. My wife is an animal rights activist. We have working arrangements as she knew what she was getting into before she married me.

I respect her wishes that I not bring anything home to process (it has to be done beforehand), and she respects my hunting and doesnt give me any crap about it.

Neither of us is totally happy with the setup but it works...Come to similar terms with him or find someone who shares like interests.

The thought of you not trying to work through this would "make me gag".
Just try to touch my hat
2007-11-26 22:11:07 UTC
As a hunter my license purchase is used to maintain habitat for the deer,elk,moose,antelope,and other large and small game and non-game species...including birds and fish..The money you send P.E.T.A. goes to legislate anti-habitat bills and pad the pockets of the upper management people that run your boyfriend does more for wildlife as a responsible conservastionist than any animal rights group could ever hope to do...our license purchases help maintain and protect our game and non-game animals from poachers,theft of habitat,and ensures the animals of a place to live where there is plenty of food sources and cover...hunters and fishermen do more for wildlife than you know....way more than a legislator could do with a paper and to your local game warden and ask him about where the proceeds of hunting and fishing licenses are spent.So find out the truth for yourself and then decide if you want to send P.E.T.A. anymore of your money to help them pay for thier vacations,homes,cars,and other amenities they buy with your contributions...please be honest with yourself first and find out the truth.
2007-11-26 19:23:29 UTC
What do you mean, you eat meat because the animals are already dead?? The become dead at the slaughter house because there are people (like you) who eat meat, creating a demand for meat products! They don't die peacefully in their sleep, then get served up for dinner you know!
2007-11-27 03:04:02 UTC
The only difference is that someone else kills for you. It means that you hire a trigger-man to do your dirty work. He has the fortitude to do it himself. I eat meat and I don't hunt.
2007-11-26 20:30:45 UTC
best advise I can give you is my wife was the same way then she went hunting with me and now she looks forward to hunting season she understands we are not just out shooting everything we see only what we are taking home to eat
2007-11-26 18:01:59 UTC
Look, I'm going to ask you to be very open minded for a moment. Really OPEN MINDED. OK, are you with me?

All of the things that you know about hunting and all of the compassion that you feels towards the cute furry little animals are WRONG.

You have been artificially conditioned since childhood, through popular children's media like Disney cartoons and the like, to feel that animals are really humans....that they have feelings and that those feelings really matter. And that humans are EVIL....that we are against nature.

When you reach adulthood, you are supposed to think for yourself but we are all just a reaction to our childhood programming, aren't we?

When you actually become an adult and can be open minded enough to think for yourself, you will look at this topic differently. Humans ARE nature.....and we have been hunting since before the dawn of history. We are carnivores, or omnivores if you prefer. The way we get our food is to kill other animals.

Please, spend this energy doing things that will help the unfortunate and the needy in your town. Not worrying about animals, or causing artificial made-up drama with your boyfriend.
2007-11-26 16:24:49 UTC
It's apparent to everyone that you're not here to ask a real question, you're here to try and stir up controversy. You want advice? Here's some, either break up with him and stop whining, or go hunting with him and learn why it's necessary to hunt. The 1st answer is dead on, your a hypocrite, you eat meat that's been tortured before it's finally inhumanely killed and think it's fine to do it. Go take a look at exactly where your hamburger comes from, then take a look at how humane and efficient most hunters are. If you think that hunting is cruel, you've got a lot to learn, and a lot of growing up to do.
2007-11-27 06:45:36 UTC
"I am 100% against animal hunting for game.

I mean, I eat meat... but that's because the animals

are already dead + it would just be going to waste."

You are a hypocrite of the worst kind.

"Also, I am a PETA member"

Strike that, you are an IGNORANT, MISINFORMED hypocrite of the worst kind...I DARE you to go to the PeTA2 message boards and tell them you are a "PeTA member that eats meat", you think they are hostile here? I got news for you sweetcheeks, your in for a REAL suprise.
2007-11-26 16:14:22 UTC
Frankly I would prefer to feed my family all of the wild meats I could get. They are fed with natural foods and there are no additives.

There are more deer in the US than there were when our forefathers came. There are so many, in fact, that they must be hunted to keep their numbers within control. I'd rather eat them than let them starve to death in the winter time because there is no food for them to forage. We have killed off their natural predators such as wolves.
2007-11-26 16:18:34 UTC
People have been hunting since the dawn of man. When the worlds industries go down, you will be one of the first to starve to death. Who ever told you that the meat you eat from the store was already dead was a tree hugger too. It was dropped into a grinder while it was still screaming for its hamburger mom. Mmmmm, fresh! Wait 'till he starts hunting tree huggers, they're slowly becoming easier targets.(BURN)
2007-11-26 16:21:54 UTC
He is helping keep the deer population low. Too many leads to overpopulation, starvation, disease, and traffic accidents.

As long as he is safe and obeys laws associated with hunting, then he is doing the environment a favor. He may even save a driver's life.
P&S's Resident Redneck
2007-11-26 17:28:35 UTC
I'm not even sure of the question and don't really care, But only comment I got is THATS WHY I"M MARRIED TO A WOMAN ...wait for it...... waittt foorrrrr ittt.......WHO HUNTS.
miyuki & kyojin
2007-11-26 16:34:02 UTC
Try discussing the issue with him as calmly and reasonably as possible. It is quite likely that you two are incompatible, if you both feel strongly and refuse to compromise. It is much better to split now than it would be after marrying and having kids. I would not date someone like you, for I grew up with a gun in my hand. Dad told me to shoot pests that raided our crops.
2007-11-26 16:08:19 UTC
People eat what they hunt. If he does not eat it he can give it to someone who will.
2007-11-26 18:55:55 UTC
ok just go hunting untill you kill your first animal and then you gut it and then you cook it then you eat it TRY IT YOU WILL LIKE IT if anything do it for your boyfrend
2007-11-26 16:04:17 UTC
When you decide to actually ask a question let us know, until then go hug a tree.
Canadian Metis
2007-11-26 16:30:43 UTC
Wow !

me me me, why don't you change

If you don't like it move on
2007-11-26 16:16:11 UTC
What is the question?

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