your opinions on animal hunting?
2009-02-09 15:50:53 UTC
i am writing an essay against animal hunting and i was just wondering what you thought.
23 answers:
2009-02-10 15:39:19 UTC
When you remove people from the food chain (or anything else for that matter) you are changing the ratio of hunters:prey:available food. Removing anything from the food chain throws off the balance of nature. When I hunt I use as much of the animal as possible (pretty much nothing gets wasted). I make a quick kill which I believe is way better than the animal slowly starving to death over the winter because of a limited food supply. Also, I know that the animal had a good life with no abuses from humans on factory farms. The same can not be said for getting a burger from a fast food chain. The money that I pay to get a hunting license, guns, and ammo goes to fund conservation efforts. Hunters are one of, if not the largest, contributors to conservation efforts.
2009-02-09 16:39:11 UTC
Well i am for hunting because of a couple reasons. Population control, if population gets too big food starts becoming scarce and then many times disease starts in these animals. A good example of this is the chronic wasting disease found in elk and other deer. When population is too high more animals come incontact with eachother making it easier for the disease to spread. Hunting is a solution to this problem. Also hunting is praised by insuarance companies becasue when populations are high more auto collisions accure. Without hunting wildlife would be a mess. Plus it puts meat in the freezer. Just like cows,chickens,and pigs get killed to feed the people of America they die too. At least the animal i shoot at has a chance that i might not shoot it and miss it. A cow in a pin has not option and nowhere to run. There is nothing wrong with hunting in most cases. I think in the case of whale hunting when populations are getting close to extinction is another story though. They should leave the animal along in that case.

There also is a option to all you anti gun and anti hunters. Its called move to another country. Pick one that had there gun rights taken away and see how long you really like it. Guns save lives and without guns we are not free as the government would have complete control and then we cant defend ourselves. The fact is if are guns are taken the criminals will still have them. The law abiding citizen suffers in the long run. Many countries that had there guns taken away had mass killings. History is there just do your research. If you like like your freedom here then move.

I suggest you get smart and join the NRA. Oh and Texas has lowest crim rate because citizen can carry concealed weapons. Harder to rob a place when everyone arround you has a gun to stop you. Guns save lives and bring down crime rates and its proven despite what the media says.

Why dont you do a report on the lies of Pres. Obama from Kenya not Hawaii.His grandparents said so. Oh and he is trying to legalize murder of babies.Animals have more rights than a baby. Theres a report idea too. If a man kills a pregnant woman and both die, the man gets murder count 2. But if a mother allows a DR. to kill her baby its ok. Something is wrong with that man. World is realy messed up. Who gives a person the right to decide if life is valuble or not? Things to think of man. Hunting animals is not the worst thing in the world man. There are far greater things happening that matter more.
Jim T
2009-02-10 17:34:00 UTC
I'm going to be completely honest, your essay is going to be filled with more sentimental reasons rather than hard facts. Hunting positively effects the animal population, the surrounding eco-system, farming, etc. I'd suggest choosing a new topic, this has been debated time and again and hunting always prevails regardless of what PETA or animal rights activists have to say. Do some research against hunting and all you will find is propaganda and flat-out me.
2009-02-09 16:34:56 UTC
The anti-hunting and the anti-gun movements are symptoms of the sissification of America which in turn was caused by the warped values and loss of realism that have been driven by decades of prosperity and consumerism.

Now that our global economy is quickly sliding into the abyss, we may one day again face days of struggle and hunger. If those days ever come, I would then be curious to see how many starving people will have the energy to fight against hunting and the meat that hunting provides.

Hunting is a natural and important skill for survival. That has been the case for the past one million years, and it will continue to be the case for the next one million years.
Jim R
2009-02-09 16:37:38 UTC
I can think of several reasons to speak out against poaching, but there is no reasonable way to argue against hunting. You will have a much stronger argument if you argue the other side of the hunting equation, where the facts will be on your side. J
2009-02-09 16:10:56 UTC
There is absolutely no scientific, legal, social or humane reason to be against hunting. I am afraid your argument will be weak.

Ending hunting would cause catastrophic and destructive consequences on the entire world's ecosystem. Species would become extinct as a result. What possible argument could be for that?
2009-02-09 16:10:52 UTC
* Hunting is Fun and Enjoyable; Killing is neither Fun or Enjoyable.".." Society will forever judge Hunters by the Compassion they demonstrate for the Animals that they Hunt for Food & Sport for themselves, family friends, and fellow Hunters."... All Life is precious to us True Hunters who Hunt and Harvest the Animals for Food & Sport.* Animals are a renewable resource, whether they are Domestic Animals like Cows, Pigs, Turkeys, Chicken, or Wild Game Animals like Deer, Grouse, Bear, Elk, Antelope, Moose, Squirrels, Caribou, Mule Deer, Woodcock, Pheasant etc.* There are Billions of Domesticated Animals Slaughtered every year for people to buy in Super Markets.* Wild Game Animals that are harvested by Hunters yearly is like a grain of sand, compared to the amount that are slaughtered in Slaughter Houses, and Farms every year, and Die Violent Deaths with Great Pain and Suffering compared to how the Hunter Harvests the Animals for Food.*
2009-02-09 17:25:35 UTC
Humans are carnivores. It's been proven. We eat meat. That means animals are food. We are not the only ones who are carnivores. There are a great many species on this planet who must also eat meat. Actually, it's been going on ever since there has been life on Earth. Even IF the entire human species were to just stop eating meat, there will still be every other species on the planet still doing it. Such is the way of things.
Tobias W
2009-02-09 16:42:26 UTC
wow, so if stalking a deer for an hour and dispatching it before it even knows what hit it with a single shot is not "fair" to the deer, then herding cows and pigs onto a conveyor belt and mindlessly killing all of them with a knife to the throat or a steel plunger to the head one after the other is like what - heaven?????

i like hunting because it is a challenge, and rather fun to be outside all day trying to out-smart a deer who can smell me, hear me and run where ever he wants. and if i am lucky enough to find a deer and take him/her home to meet my freezer then i get better tasteing meet than beef and i have a lot of interesting stories for my kids when/if they come.

some people don't like it but i don't see anything wrong with it. other than to some it is somehow "in-humane"

there are some freaks who just drive up to a group of deer and open fire with a .22 or a semi-auto and then drive off with some antlers. - that is what pisses me off, people who don't respect the animals and just do whatever they feel like. if you hunt you respect the animals and their home.
2009-02-09 16:31:15 UTC
Whooeee!! Did you come to the wrong place to ask such a question. You need to post this question where the PETA freeks hang out. Just a small amount of thought would have told you that the people who participate in the HUNTING forum will be in favor of hunting. Sorry to pop your bubble.
2009-02-10 13:02:52 UTC
I understand why both sides of this issue feel so strongly about it. I once hunted for recreation. I loved hunting deer, Being out in the woods.I looked foward to going hunting with the guys. I thought that was my way of loving the outdoors and nature. I love deer meat! but I began to realize that hunting for fun is wrong. true in our past we relied on hunting to survive but those days are long over,and it is true we farm animals for food. but these are not wild animals. I have farm animals and I can tell you most of them would barely make it a few weeks without someone feeding them,They were bred to be used for food. like the domestic turkey can no longer fly because of the extra tissue they're selectively bred to have. They are not the same as wild animals who take care of themselves. true deer are over populated in many areas but if left alone for a while nature would fix that. Most hunters want to kill the biggest healthiest deer but nature chooses the smallest weakest animals to cull. If you look at the whole issue from the stand point of rite and wrong the answer to me is clear. we are no longer cavemen, and farming and hunting are seperate issues. Its unfair that everytime we bring up hunting some hunter brings up the meat in the grocery store. not the same. Farmers spend a tremendous amount of time and money raising animals for food and people have the rite to eat meat. But I believe hunters need to look more closely at how hunting makes them feel. If it feels good to kill something that's just trying to get out of your way. show some self control. Bring a camera in the woods. hang a photo instead of a trophy on the wall.I do this to satisfy my need to hunt and for me its very fufilling without hurting anything. There are people who rely on hunting and wild animals to supplement there diets. those peolpe who truley need thet elk or deer to feed themselves. native americans also they are tied to the land. but the city slicker and commen suburbanite I don't think so.
2009-02-09 17:09:06 UTC
Here in the great liberal state of Massachusetts (sarcasm), there was an article in the Boston Globe not too long ago about the government hiring skilled hunters to kill deers in certain areas. Get that? Tax payers are spending money to have deers killed from certain areas because they are too plentiful and causing problems. Now, here in the hunting section, we have people who pay the government to go hunting and kill deer. So they are putting money in your pocket and taking care of a problem all in one. So thank you, hunters.
2009-02-10 07:47:01 UTC
well you could start off by saying that without all the money from hunters;, license's, tax on ammo, money spent going hunting, the money that is spent in these small towns,

that economies in small towns would be in big troubles.

Since man has wiped out the natural predators to the point where they have no impact on the animal herds that they would overpopulate, starve themselves and wreck the crops that farmers grow.
str8 shooter
2009-02-09 16:09:47 UTC
I would love to hear your reasoning for being against animal hunting.
2009-02-09 19:50:00 UTC
I like doing it. It sure beats the heck out of non-animal hunting.
2009-02-09 16:06:30 UTC
An essay against animal hunting, eh? Who will you present it to first, the lions or the bears? I don't imagine you'll be well received but you be sure to check back and let us know, OK?
2016-10-01 16:32:39 UTC
it extremely is extra humane than production unit farming, however the international's inhabitants is now so severe and meat has develop into the variety of significant area of maximum peoples' diets that "nature" ought to no longer save up with the call for, no longer to point the environmental adverse aspects in contact if extra meat eaters have been roaming the geographical area to seek. the entire equation is out of stability because of the extensive inhabitants all clamouring for 3 meaty nutrition an afternoon.
2009-02-10 12:07:56 UTC
I enjoy the hunt...and animals taste good.
2009-02-09 16:09:39 UTC
against animals? wow!!!! how do you think man started out? Eating tofu? No we started out eating animals. That means hunting them. Wow is all that i haev to say. put something like this in the right category you p.r.i.c.k.
River Rat
2009-02-09 15:57:52 UTC
i think you are a mindless freak that should find another category.
2009-02-09 19:12:24 UTC
There are no logical thoughts against hunting

Only simplistic emotionalism

Go ahead i dare you

Come up with one logical argument that deals in fact
2009-02-09 16:13:34 UTC
As long as you eat the meat-okay.

Otherwise- only hunt paper targets.

Never-ever kill for sport.
2009-02-11 16:52:32 UTC
me i really love to shoot and kill deer.git-r-done

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