Hunting:From a hunters POV what do you think about traps?
2013-01-23 18:18:04 UTC
Specifically every trap except ones with doors that just lock the animal in. I think its the most cruel unethical thing in hunting and absolutley hate it...I mean I may even support PETA on this one those are so cruel. Dont get me wrong I hunt to but really what is a trap? Setting food for a bear or something to come by and have a metal clamp go down? How do animals even get released from these and run off doesnt it wound them? PS I was kidding about peta they are crazy.
Nine answers:
2013-01-23 18:36:21 UTC
Hunters not use traps. Trappers use traps. And they are a method to catch the smaller fur bearing animals such as a raccoon, mink, marten,beaver, and otter. The hides are sold and provide a livelihood for the trapper.

Most of the traps are leg hold traps. They hold the animal until the trapper gets there to dispatch him. It is a way of life for those that do it. No different or worse then raising cattle or hogs to slaughter them in slaughter houses in order to provide food for the nation.
2013-01-24 02:31:24 UTC
Only kind of traps I find un-cruel are mouse traps may be a man but I'm scared of mice, anyway I'm with you on traps that won't kill the animal instantly, I'm into clean hunts 1 or 2 shots to kill an animal I would rather go for one clean shot, and there is no sport in trapping animals you set a trap one day come back the next and shoot it, where is the satisfaction of a hunt there?
2013-01-24 02:33:52 UTC
I guess it depends on your point of view. I think that many types of trapping does get mighty close to the definition of cruel. However, I also view a wild animal as a wild animal and have little sympathy for their deaths.

Traps that make it impossible to release an animal that was not intended to be trapped are illegal in most, if not all, states. Trappers are also required to tend their traps in a timely fashion.

I support trapping although I prefer to hunt.
2013-01-24 02:27:42 UTC
I am pretty much with you on this. I'm all for going out and hunting, but trapping seems unreasonably unethical. I have seen some situations in very harsh environments, such as alaska in winter, where the people survive on trapped animals, but other than that specific example i see no ethical reasoning for it. Shooting an animal with a well placed shot is the best way to be humane about it. There are humane traps that exist, but i doubt they are as widely used as we would all hope. And even then, if the traps are not regularly checked then the animal just dies a slow death from dehydration and starvation, if not the elements of weather.
2013-01-24 02:40:10 UTC
Trapping is not a sport. Trapping is a method of harvest. While there is a challenge to trapping, it is nowhere near the challenge of actually being there when an animal is within range.

I wouldn't say trapping is cruel. Most people who trap check their traps very frequently, because you don't want an animal rotting in your trap, or being attacked and devoured while trapped.

Trapping is better for sustenance, while hunting is better for sport. If you need a certain amount of animals, then you need traps. But if you want a certain amount, then you hunt.
2013-01-24 02:30:46 UTC
I'm all for hunting. But trapping can be one of the most cruel things I can think of if its large game. Small game can be safely trapped in a cage. Large game usually is trapped in a leg vise. It can be hours to a day's before a hunter comes to find a trapped bear with its leg in a vise. That's why I think it's cruel. Without use of a leg they can starve or be killed by another animal not to mention how painful and distressing it can be for the animal. A quick clean kill is more ethical and sportsman-like IMO
2013-01-24 02:26:51 UTC
I only hunt with guns. There is no sport in traps. I shot a deer a couple of years ago, I think its leg had been in a trap before. It was healed up but still looked bad. I do not like traps either.
2013-01-24 03:26:48 UTC
Trapping isn't done for sport, it is done for necessity.

With that being said, some traps are certainly more humane that others, and many of the less humane traps are restricted/banned in many places.
Bear Crap
2013-01-24 07:26:09 UTC
So you’re against trapping but for fishing and hunting? Well you need to understand that trapping is very important to wildlife management. And honestly in some places more trappers are badly needed. In nature it’s a boom and bust population cycle; the predators multiply until they literally eat themselves out of a food supply and then die off in large numbers from starvation which causes a huge increase of they prey and then the predators population grows again until the cycle repeats itself. Well that worked until man came along. In some places man provided an almost limitless supply of food for either predator (livestock and pets), or their prey (agriculture, landscaping plants etc). So with hunting and trapping we can keep a balance. If you have rats in your home you don’t hunt them you trap them and you probably don’t eat them. Well this goes for wildlife habitat as well and farms ranches etc. Say you have an area where flooding is a problem and there are beavers damming up streams causing more flooding; trapping removes some to reduce flooding. Like small game hunting? Well an over population of predators can devastate small game. There is an area not far from me with LOTS of wolves, mink, marten, coyotes etc and you just don’t see any small game. No one wants to trap the area because its so hard to get to. You don’t see any deer there and very few moose. Well that could happen to lots of places if trapping was banned. And then those predators starving for food will move into areas where livestock are and even take peoples pets in their yard.

Trappers, hunters and fishermen need to stick together because all have a role in wildlife management. Honestly more animals are horribly injured by cars every year than hunting and trapping combined. And more small game and small fur bearers are killed or maimed by commercial operations such as farming and logging, than by trappers or hunters. That toilet paper came from trees that millions of people use every day and that caused animals to die or loose their homes. I wonder how many PETA people wipe their rear with grass and leaves.

If you educate yourself you will see your opinion on this is based on emotions not facts. You are doing the very same thing anti hunters and anti-fishing people are. ‘Oh that poor fish is dragged out of the water by its mouth suffocating to death in the air’

Edit; Fact the US Gov hires government trappers and hunters to kill aniamls, they may use poision gas and gas to death wolf pups in their den. They set out miles of traps and with so many to check it may be two days before they reach the trapped animal. They do this to prevent those animals from destroying proprty, roads, building, farm fields, livetock farms to prevent major loss of livestock. They do this so the farners and rancher dont suffer such losses they have to raise the prices for meat and produce. If all trappig was stopped the price of food would go sky rocket. That could mean a gallon of milk goes up to $25 a gallon, a bundle of salad up to $12, tomattoes at $8 a pound, so then a box of cerial may cost $35, a dozen eggs $45 and so foth; then Mc donalds would have to charge $20 for a hamburger and $15 for fries. But because the road to the store is flooded out from beaver dams no one can deliver all that. Also because of the flood shools are shut down, companies shut down that mean people miss work so get less pay, Then the city and state have to spend millions cleaning up the mess. And if its real bad flooding people could drown our loose their homes, See what I mean, Its very conplex and it has to be managed right or people will die and property destroyed.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.