Why do people hunt with guns if it is not for survival?
2008-02-26 13:20:40 UTC
I recently had my question deleted because it was politically incorrect.

I meant that since the animal who is being hunted by 50-100 hundred yards away (30ot6) is pretty much defenseless. I have had hunters confirm this.

Then I stated that it is much more fair to hunt with a bow because you need to get up-close and personal with the animal. And the Indians used the bow and arrow for means of survival for hundreds of years; so that is proving that it is impossible.

I know it is much more of a challenge to hunt with a bow and arrow because the odds are more fair.

I believe in guns to protect oneself. But to hunt a unfair hunt is a different story.

23 answers:
2008-02-26 13:47:21 UTC
It's pretty hard to argue that I need to hunt to survive, but I like feeding my family quality, low fat meat and a full freezer means you're not spending that money at the supermarket for some hormone-injected imported meat. It also gives me an opportunity to connect with nature and the mountains that I love for a couple of weeks each year.

Animals are killed for human consumption all the time - this is a fact of life. If I choose to do it myself under my own circumstances (by hunting), what is the difference? I also raise my own beef cow and hog every year as well and kill them. I don' t give them an opportunity to kill me. Is that unfair as well?
Ret. Sgt.
2008-02-26 14:18:53 UTC
Do you think American indigenous peoples would not have used firearms if they had them 400-4000 years ago?

A quick clean kill is better for the animal, hunter, the meat,. Having them suffer a while longer with a bow and arrow, flies in the face of you wanting to be fair and kind.

If you eat fish, then I assume you support suffocating animals to let them die. This is what happens when a fish is caught. Right after you run a metal hook through it's mouth and jaw and pull on it for awhile.

You don't want to eat meat or animals, I am all for that. I doubt anyone will change your mind and I am not sure you want to have it changed. More like enjoying a "superior" feeling since you are so kind to animals.

Did you know that plants have feelings?. Many studies done on this. Guess pretty soon you'll just have to starve to death since most anything we eat is a living thing.

I don't get a thrill from killing. I do enjoy the meat and hunt and my family from the beginning of time has hunted. Believe it or not, your past relatives did too or you wouldn't be here.

Finally, would YOU hunt for survival?
uncle frosty
2008-02-26 16:10:20 UTC
You realize you are a self impressed idiot.

if a handicap person can hunt with a gun then why can't a non handicap person hunt with a bow?

Do I have to do everything differently than handicap people. If they use the toilet do I have to use a hole?

Animals are not defenseless. They are fast, camo'ed, have great senses and most rarely move during the day time.

Fair is completely subjective. How do you know a bow is fair?

I know people who mountain hunt. It is not unusual to take 600 yard shots. It is not easy to find animals at that distance let alone shoot them.

I completely believe you are not a hunter because if you did hunt (even with a bow) you would not have this idea that people walk out in the woods see a deer shoot them and go home.

Get a paintball gun and try it. Tell me how easy it was.

In the end why do you care? You are the reason we have a growing nanny state; a bunch of busy-bodies trying to make the world conform to their idea of right. People hunt however they want because they want to do it that way. It is no more complicated than that.

Here is the answer you want: You're better congratulations go back to the dating questions.

2008-02-26 13:27:42 UTC
Well a lot of people eat the meat and for some people that is the only meat they get so it is a matter of survival. Plus there are so many deer out there we need people taking them out with guns or we will be overrun. Until predators are fully reintroduced and are able to control the prey population people hunting with guns is necessary. I see where you are coming from, though. Tracking the deer and killing it with an arrow seems a lot more challenging and fair. I personally couldn't kill an animal so I don't hunt at all.
2008-02-26 13:47:07 UTC
I'll take a stab at this one.

Humans and hunting goes back to pre-history, when our species were primarily hunters and gatherers. Survival was difficult and humans sought to employ whatever advantages they had to its maximum efficiency. This means they would use traps and nets if possible, and if they caught more than they could consume as fresh meat, then they would jerk, salt and/or dry the meat to preserve it for later use.

Hunting since it's earliest times, therefore, was not about having a fair fight with the game, it was about harvesting. Because of large human populations, it is necessary to use bag limits, but given the need for conservation, the means of hunting is not judged on whether the game can fight back or escape, but on whether the hunter/fisherman can be selective in not harming unintended wild life.

In this respect, the rifle is an excellent tool in being able to select your target. But a smart hunter would never tie one hand behind his back just to have a challenge and a thrill.

A smart hunter will have superior skills in being the most effective in harvesting game while simultaneously having the ethics to limit the amount of the harvest to ensure a sustainable population of game.
2016-03-14 01:59:26 UTC
With out a doubt the .357 Lever Action. My reasoning behind this is simple. This Firearm is capable of firing two different rounds, the .357 and the .38. The .357 round will drop a larger animal with a well placed shot and loaded with the .38 ammo is very good for smaller game. The .22 semi auto is light BUT is a semi auto and subject to failure that my require a gunsmith. The .223 is excellent (EXCEPT it has no Iron Sights). The 30-06 is an excellent firearm as well but as you said too heavy to carry long distances. All that being said it boils down to what YOU are comfortable with. I have been to several survival schools in the military and have learned from painful experience to listen to advise but to take what I feel that I will need.
Hunter K
2008-02-26 16:31:18 UTC
I hunt whitetail deer with a bow because it is more difficult but i also will occasionally hunt with a rifle because i know that i will eat all the meat off that animal. i have never shot an animal just to let it lay and rot. If people only hunted with bows then the numbers of hunters would probably drop causing the deer herd to explode. that means the only other people killing deer would be people driving cars and that is putting more people in danger deer coming through a windshield at 60 miles an hour tend to go all the way through(ex: in my class my teacher showed me a expedition that had a deer go all the way to the rear windshield). so it is a safety measure (if you will) as well.
2014-09-24 14:16:04 UTC
With every day pass, our country is getting into more and more trouble. The inflation, unemployment and falling value of dollar are the main concern for our Government but authorities are just sleeping, they don’t want to face the fact. Media is also involve in it, they are force to stop showing the real economic situation to the people. I start getting more concern about my future as well as my family after watching the response of our Government for the people that affected by hurricane Katrina.

According to recent studies made by World Bank, the coming crisis will be far worse than initially predicted. So if you're already preparing for the crisis (or haven't started yet) make sure you watch this video at and discover the 4 BIG issues you'll have to deal with when the crisis hits, and how to solve them fast (before the disaster strikes your town!) without spending $1,000s on overrated items and useless survival books.
2008-02-26 13:50:22 UTC
Ok Jon, we get it, the last 2 childish attempts at insulting gun hunters have shown that you feel superiour to them because you bow hunt. Yes Jon, we get it, you feel like a big man because you bow hunt instead of rifle hunt. Yes Jon, we all understand how your inflated sense of self worth has driven you to attack(in your 1st question) gun hunters and call names. We all get it Jon, YOU are the MAN, we lowly gun hunters aren't worth the mud on the bottom of your boots. Ok Jon, are you happy now?

I hunt with several who also bow hunt, NONE of them has this self righteous egotistical attitude you have shown towards rifle hunters, maybe one day when you grow up, you'll see the ONLY way to preserve our hunting heritage is to STAND TOGETHER, instead of trying to divide the ranks, like you are doing.

It's ok Jon, I remember when I was 12 yrs old too, I thought I knew it all, just like you.

What would you do to a handicapped hunter Jon? Would you make it so they can't hunt ever again since in your eyes guns shouldn't be allowed? How about young children that might not have the strength to bull a bow, would you deprive them of the chance to hunt? YES Jon, you would. Your short sighted, narrow minded diatribe has only offered the entire reading audience the opportunity to see exactly what kind of an egotist you are. You are NO BETTER than the anti hunter peta types, think about it Jon.
2008-02-26 15:24:32 UTC
I hunt for pleasesure and the meat is an added benefit. It is a legal passtime and I feel no remorse for my hunting. I also fish and I use whatever lures and bait are legal to use. I feel absolutely no remorse for fishing for pleasure. There is absolutley no need for any appology on the part of any hunter or fisherman who enjoys his recreation within the law. We do not need your approval nor do we care what you think about it. You need to take your comments to some forum where they amount to at least a fart in a windstorm. They don't here.
NAnZI pELOZI's Forced Social
2008-02-26 15:05:16 UTC
You are equating hunting with football or baseball or soccer. Hunting isn't a "sport" of "fairness" it isn't a gme that grown-ups play, it WAS life and death for the hunter. Either you kill something to eat or you do without.

"Fair" is whether or not I obey the regulations as described by my states Fish And Game Commission, not what typ of weapon I use (other than using the proper weapon in a designated season-as prescribed by law).

I do not go into the hunting field with a "Scorecard" or "High Point" tag with my initials. I go into the field with the intent to kill something to eat. Yeah, times have changed and I won't starve if I don't kill something. I also don't go out and stay until I do kill something. I know I have a warm house to go to even if I fail to bag anything, and with that I don't go out in really bad weather because I don't have to.

But "Fair"???? Please, the Nintindo is probably still SOMEONES favorite...Not me...I'm a hunter....Modern day...But still a hunter.
2008-02-26 13:44:22 UTC
Does it matter how fair it is to kill an animal to feed your family

Why take a chance on missing with a bow and not getting another shot,or the animal running off for you not to find?What chance do cattle have after making them dependent.Its also a right and heritage that Americans exercise.Are you an American?So who are you judge?
2008-02-26 16:51:56 UTC
Jon J I hunt with a Rifle, Revolver, Shotgun, and Bow & Arrow, but I do not consider anyone who wishes to use anything they want to Hunt and harvest any game to be inferior to my choice of what I prefer to Hunt game with.* " Society will forever judge Hunters by their compassion for the animals that they Hunt and Harvest". Hunting is Fun and Enjoyable. " Killing is neither Fun or Enjoyable". All life is precious, even a Rabbits to us Hunters who Hunt them for Sport and Food. I hope you realize and appreciate now or in the near future the True Spirit we True Hunters place on each animal we are fortunate enough to Harvest for ourselves, Family and Friends.* It does not matter how they were harvested or what the Hunter used to harvest them.* We are all Hunters no matter what we choose to use.* It is rude and inconsiderate of you to put down any and all Hunters who don't use what you choose to use.* I believe you need to reconsider and change your attitude, thoughts and behavior towards other Hunters who choose to do it their own way.* No method of Hunting is Superior or Inferior when it comes to what each Hunter chooses to Hunt Game with.* I believe you made a mistake in judging other fellow Hunters, and trying to put yourself above other Hunters by insisting your method or way of Hunting game is somehow more acceptable and more FAIR or CHALLENGING.* It would behoove you to apologize to those whom you have offended, and ask for their Forgiveness.*
2008-02-26 14:07:40 UTC
Not a question, he's using answers as a forum for HIS chat/rant anti gun anti hunting propaganda.


Harrassment of hunters in the HUNTING SECTION
2008-02-26 13:24:54 UTC
I don't like seeing things get killed really, but hunting is a sport, it's a habbit some humans enjoy to do.. but still, don't forget who the domiant species on earth is..
2008-02-26 17:56:26 UTC
sorry i do not know why they let idiots post questions on here the question is is why do people that do not think i should hunt with gun or bow r even in this category harassing hunters is against federal law stupid hope this is the answer u expected if not u should not have posted this stupid question
Metis Nation
2008-02-26 15:19:16 UTC
When deer or bear hunting I sit in the tree stand (with a rifle) like a bow hunter.

"Bet you didn't think of that", did you ?
Ice Fishing Rocks!
2008-02-26 13:28:15 UTC
It is for survival. With the beef prices going up it is cheaper to get a deer and get alot more meat compared to the price of a pound of hamburger.
chris w
2008-02-26 13:39:20 UTC
are you a vegetarian? if not your a big mouthed hypocrite,every hamburger you eat was kept in a crowded pen with other cattle,until the time it was hit in the head and cut up to make your cheeseburgers.the same thing with every chicken or pig you ever ate.the blood is on your hands too,even if your not man enough to do your own dirty work
2008-02-26 15:11:02 UTC
You gave yourself away when you said "I don't eat meat." You're a vegan trolling the hunting section.
Hack Benjamin
2008-02-26 14:14:09 UTC
I really pitty JonJ. He is a sad case of what happens when people stop thinking for themselves and just believe all that they hear. This ladies and gentlemen, IS the problem. What a shame.
2008-02-26 16:20:58 UTC
It's fun, legal and I enjoy it immensely.
ralph W
2008-02-26 13:25:58 UTC
because its fun

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.