I'll take your little rant disguised as a question in order. You've spewed an awful lot of bullѕhit to slog through.
"Ok, I ve been thinking about this"
"My opinion is that there really is no reason for people to have guns like an M16 or an AR-15 (or the Sig Sauer MCX, like in the shooting)."
That's the opinion you've been spoon fed by the mainstream media. The truth is you have no idea of the difference between any of those three firearms and you've been indoctrinated not to care. Your perception of these firearms doesn't extend much past "looks scary."
"I don t think it s ok for someone that just got out of jail or someone that was on a watchlist to be able to own a gun."
You keep using that word "think". I do not think it means what you think it means. Being put on a watchlist means that anyone who has accused you, who has reported you to the right agency, can get your name put on a list you don't even know you've been added to, and cannot get off of because there is no appeal process. So all it takes is someone who hates you enough to be willing to lie for you to lose your rights.
For "someone who just got out of jail" indicates a conviction. Due process. The fact that you lump these two sets of circumstances together indicates, at least to me, that you either don't understand or just don't give a ѕhit about due process. And THAT's the problem. If you don't understand it, there's no way you can coherently THINK about it. Only regurgitate what you've been told, which would be nice if you didn't claim to be "thinking." If you had been honest and said, "This is what I was told to believe so I believe it," I'd be more inclined to listen and quite possibly attempt to educate you. But to claim you are thinking indicates a very basic dishonesty going into the situation...about the same as disguising a rant as a "question" for purposes of trolling.
But let's chug right along...
"And for the people with AR-15 s for self defense, why do you need that much firepower?"
First of all, it's not "that much" firepower. Second of all, you don't even know enough to quantify the term "firepower", and third of all, you do not possess nor can you co-opt the moral or legal authority to truly expect a response from your unreasonable demand.
Here's a clue, son -- Since you don't even know what you're asking, you won't understand my reasoning even IF I was inclined to attempt to justify my reasons to you. As I have said before, you don't pay my paycheck, you don't suck my diсk, you aren't in a position of legal or moral authority over me, so let me make this perfectly clear: I don't have to justify exercising ANY of my rights to you. Period. So quit asking -- you don't have the right to an answer, no matter how much you think you do.
"Most people simply own a Colt M1911 for self defense; and when it comes down to it, that can do just as much as any other gun."
False, and false. You absolutely do not know what the hell you're talking about. You've taken a common defensive pistol and claim it "does as much as any other gun." This indicates an incredibly shallow and ignorant point of view, with barely a wino's spittle of knowledge on the topic. Which means the emotional charge from your statement didn't come from a fact you know -- it came from propaganda you've been told. This makes your "opinion" as invalid as your "thinking."
"What I mean is since many of these shootings have occurred indoors, if you shoot a guy that s 20 feet away that is shooting at people in the area, it should drop him pretty quick,"
Yeah, SHOULD doesn't mean DOES or WILL. When there are documented dash cams of police officers hitting dirtbags who are trying to kill them with 2 and 3 MAGAZINES full of .45 and the bad guy is STILL up, mobile, and firing, your speculative argument becomes laughable at best, and straight-out falsehood at worst. And again, you are not speaking from knowledge. You are simply parroting someone else's propaganda.
"Much less give him time to shoot you first."
You have not been in a real gunfight. Nor have you been trained. So your opinion on gunfighting is about the same as a virgin on sex.
"All in all, I think criminals and the like shouldn t be allowed to own firearms without a serious background check,"
News Flash: The Orlando shooter went through TWO complete background checks for his firearms purchases, PLUS a background check to get the D license and G license each, PLUS another background check in order to work at a juvenile detention facility. That's FIVE background checks. Your statement is invalid because the FACT is the FIVE BACKGROUND CHECKS THE SHOOTER PASSED DID NOT PREVENT THE SHOOTING. Furthermore, he WASN'T a criminal before he went on a murder spree. This is the basic flaw in background checks -- a lack of prior behavior is not a legally reliable predictor of future behavior. Never has been, never will be.
"and high powered military weaponry have no place in civilians hands, or "armories" for that matter."
There you go with that "high powered military weaponry" crap. That's straight out of the gun control playbook. You wouldn't know "high powered" if it bit you on the genitalia, and to you, "Military" means "looks like a military gun."
Which again, invalidates your argument because #1 it isn't factual and #2 it isn't even yours.
"P.S. This is gun *control* not gun confiscation. You can still have your firearms, just not a god damn military assault rifle."
Guess what sparky? You don't get to decide what I can and can't have. Especially since you have proven beyond a reasonable doubt you don't know what you're talking about -- you have, however, proven your success at regurgitating propaganda presented by people who are intent on deceiving an ignorant public.
1) If you're not going to confiscate them, why "control" them? Especially when "control" never affects the criminals, who don't follow laws?
2) You've already indicated you lump the M16 together with the AR-15, even though they operate differently but merely look similar. This indicates a level of ignorance that tells me YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED to decide what god damn guns I can have, "military assault rifles" or otherwise.
So, let's recap:
1) You have revealed your position to be a fact-deficient propaganda stance
2) You demand moral high ground you have absolutely no qualification nor credential to hold
3) You are willing to usurp Constitutional rights based upon nothing more than lies, half-truths, and other people's opinions you have chosen to accept as your own.
So, my thoughts on gun control are this:
1) Gun control is a scam to shame an armed populace into disarming itself so the elitists and their special designees don't have to take casualties trying to disarm the populace forcibly.
2) The promises of gun control change every time they're debunked, kind of like the patent medicines of the 1880's to the 1920's - and they have not delivered on ANY of their false promises.
3) Evil elitist people will never stop trying to make the people they are trying to screw over defenseless.
4) Evil elitist people are also not above deliberately lying and obfuscating the truth to serve their own agenda.
5) And BECAUSE no amount of "gun control" actually "works", the elitists keep demanding more until it becomes confiscation. I cite as my primary examples the incremental control becoming confiscation implemented in the UK and Australia, which has been enacted to their populace's incredible detriment.
Those are my thoughts on gun control.
Come back with facts. Your conspicuously fact-free propaganda masquerading as opinion has failed this time around.
And finally, be careful what you wish for. You might find that the very people you rely on to do your dirty work taking away the guns from the general public are going to be the same ones who, after you've made sure we're the only ones with the guns, will load useful idiots onto boxcars at gunpoint with the same guns YOU guaranteed only WE had.
I'm looking forward to seeing the surprised look of betrayal on your face when you are one of the ones who gets loaded onto a boxcar after you have outlived your usefulness. Because that will be me and my brothers, with the guns. Because WE are the ones you're going to direct to make sure the "civilians" are properly "controlled."
And once we're done implementing your disarmament agenda, you will find that we'll be able to do whatever we want to YOU and the rest of you evil little mice-people hiding behind us. Because what are you going to do about it?
So go ahead. Push gun control. Put the people you've already trusted with guns in charge. You know, the same uniformed professionals that folks like you whine have too much power?
You ain't seen abuse of power yet until you've disarmed enough of the population.
So yeah, careful what you wish for. Me and my brothers are prepared to give you every bit of the tyranny you're demanding and deserve.