You're blaming the gun for the accuracy?
Hmmm... That's sorta like blaming your car for you speeding. You control the speed of the car, just like you control the accuracy of your gun.
There are very few guns that are inherently inaccurate, and the Taurus Gaucho isn't one of those. Most, if not all, .45 Colt revolvers are quite accurate. Adding a laser will not change the trajectory of the bullet.
So whether or not you asked advice on your shooting skills, that's what you're going to get. Learn to shoot your gun. The problem isn't in the gun. It's in YOU.
EDIT: Attempting to talk logically to those who lack the intellectual basis for logic is pointless. I should have remembered that. I never said a thing about all firearms shooting exactly the same as any other just like it. I said that they are inherently accurate.
And you're perilously close, sir, to being reported. You need to change YOUR attitude. You ask for help, then are rude to those who offer suggestions. I don't give a rat's behind what size your frame is. I don't give a rat's behind how much you THINK you know. I picked up a single action revolver and was shooting incredibly accurate groupings the FIRST TIME I EVER SHOT THE DARNED THING, and it was even the first time I had ever shot a pistol that wasn't a .22LR. That one was a Ruger Vaquero, and the Taurus Gaucho is almost a carbon copy of that pistol. If the Gaucho you have is so inaccurate, sell it or buy something else.
We don't know about "weapons?" Yeah, okay. You're dealing with an aggregate knowledge of probably 100 years of firearms experience, between the several of us who are telling you that the problem is with YOU and not the gun. Your paltry few years of experience, when weighed next to the knowledge of a three or five or ten people who would give you the same exact advice? I don't comprehend the complete lack of reasoning that someone has who can claim that he knows more than everyone else. If you know so much, oh guru of all things gun, maybe you need to get a job writing articles for Guns & Ammo. Oh wait, they'd laugh you right out the door once you mentioned getting a rail and a laser for a Gaucho.
And incidentally, I did a little research- almost every other question you've asked has had something to do with programming computers. All of a sudden, you ask a question about a gun, AND ACT LIKE YOU ARE AN EXPERT. Yeah. Sure. Whatever. So convincing. Get your butt out of the computer lab and into the real world, please.