Hi Catlover,
Paul673 has the right idea. A gun is a tool. If I need a hole in the dirt, the best tool is a shovel. If I need to cut wood, a saw is the best tool. If I want to change my oil, the best tool is a wrench.
If you want to get something for your husband related to guns, get him:
1) A safety class: Try one of these clubs http://www.ogo.org/gunclubs.htm
2) Good ear protection. Use both foam stuffers and over the head ear muffs at the same time. A lot of shooters start with problems because of the loud noise.
3) A gift certificate to a gun store. Let him pick out the gun he wants. Besides, If you are a 'straw man' and he has certain, shall we say, "legal problems" in his past that he was too embarrased to tell you about, both of you are toast. And worse.
4) Get him Kevin Starret's new book. Kevin has been the primier gun rights defender in Oregon for at least 15 years. I have testifed with him in Salem more than once. His new book can be found here: http://www.oregonfirearms.org/store/uorlbk.html
Keep your muzzle in a safe direction!
NRA Instructor -- Rifle, Pistol, Range Safety Officer