Why do people think gun control works?
2007-08-21 15:08:19 UTC
I personally dont care aobut statistics in foreign countries, this is America. If you take guns away from law abiding citizens that carry guns for protection, the only protection they have then is to yell, Dont shoot, which is never as effective as the intruder/ yelling Dont shoot! Criminals could care less about gun laws. Think about this, if they are robbing houses and killing poeple, do you morons really think they are going to give up their guns?! That is the stupidest support of gun control ive ever heard! All i can say is they are going to have one heck of a time hauling a 200 pound gun case with 13 guns in it out of my house with me clinging to it.
28 answers:
2007-08-21 17:10:35 UTC
Why do people think gun control works? Ignorance for the most part. They believe, "Oh goody! If no one has a gun then I don't have to be afraid of someone with a gun!" Little do they realize that when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns and they will never be safe.

2007-08-22 04:08:31 UTC
It is just simple ignorance. and like others have said the media. If a man broke into a home and killed a husband and the wife took her husbands gun and shot the intruder you'd never ever hear about it unless you lived in the area. It's all hush hush, half the time you can't even find records of the incident. Let the intruder kill the husband rape/kill the wife and leave and its all over the news and they'll be preaching about gun violence and that we need to ban guns blah blah the whole time. I read about 2 incidents that happened not far from my house about armed law abiding citizens that were forced to use their firearms when an intruder broke in and tried to kill them in an American Rifleman mag I get from the NRA. These two men had sent their story in and it got published. I got on-line looked through the local papers and news channel coverage and nothing was covered. But several incidences where the criminals won out and people died were on there. 3 were committed with knives and the reporters covering them had the nerve to add comments about BANNING GUNS TO END CRIME. Gun laws only affect law abiding citizens, and make the other ignorant asses of this country feel safe from the imaginary gun that will get up come to their house and kill them. Ask a person that hates guns this one "how exactly does a gun kill people?" when they say "a criminal gets one and pulls the trigger." give them a confused look and you say "when you pull the trigger on a gun it doesn't do anything" pause for affect then say "gotta get the bullets first either way someone had to get something the gun just gets the blame " or hell just leave them confused and go about your day.
2007-08-21 22:21:20 UTC
funny thing is that when the aussies passed laws saying you were not allowed to own a gun, violent gun related crimes went UP by 70% lmao... now to reply to the question

the problem is that gun control laws, while intended in good ways, dont target the people that kill or hurt the most people with guns.

the definition of a criminal:

1. of the nature of or involving crime.

2. guilty of crime.

3. Law. of or pertaining to crime or its punishment: a criminal proceeding.

4. senseless; foolish: It's criminal to waste so much good food.

5. exorbitant; grossly overpriced: They charge absolutely criminal prices.

–noun 6. a person guilty or convicted of a crime.

so in other words, someone who doesnt follow the laws right... so why would anyone think that the criminals would follow gun laws? dont make sense. i say ARM OUR TEACHERS!!!!! every teacher should be made to take and keep current on the same training that the police get for weapons. and they should be packin heat in the classroom!!!! look at Virginia Tech. if even 10% of the professors there had been packing some heat, how many people would have been shot? as it was it was one guy with a couple guns, against a bunch of people who had nothing but bare hands.... give 20 teachers guns, and they could have at least been shooting back and making the guy run and hide so he would stop killing people.....
Ret. Sgt.
2007-08-21 23:10:12 UTC
Most gun control stats are skewed because they don't reflect crime. If there were no vehicles in the US, there would be no car or vehicle accidents. Doesn't mean people weren't killed however.

Britain has enacted laws forbidding certain knives and it covers Chef's knives because they have been used in crimes.Now why don't we just make a law stick that outlaws, outlaws?

There is enough mechanical/metallurgy/machinist savvy in this country so that if all guns disappeared, someone would make one. Then he would be " King of the Hill" so to speak.Cannons would be worse but are easier to make. You will never be able to keep people from making,owning firearms until God comes down and kicks all our asses.

Just an opinion, however.
2007-08-22 01:16:48 UTC
People who are afraid of guns and don't know any better buy into the lies.

Do your part. Don't just talk about it, take someone out to shoot that's 'afraid' of guns and make a convert.

Find a young man that's being raised by his mother alone and spend some time with him, teaching him how to shoot. (They are not too hard to find these days, sadly. I'll bet you have one next door or know one from church, etc. Imagine a boy growing up without learning the things my dad taught me....pity!)

Be careful! My wife was 'afraid of guns and now she has very expensive tastes in them!
2007-08-21 22:54:25 UTC
The press is by and large left wing and liberal and they follow the party line in reporting. Any semi-intelligent person can look up the statistics for themselves. States which have concealed weapons permits available and an armed population have a much lower crime rate than states where the unarmed citizen victims are unable to defend themselves, and are prey for the criminal element. An armed society is a polite society. I get a kick out of the liberal left wing pinko politicians who say one thing and have armed guards for their own protection!!!!!!
2007-08-23 18:50:14 UTC
I enjoy guns but I think the gun laws in the U.S. need to be updated. There has to be a way to find a balance to pass the laws necessary to still provide access to guns for people who want to use them responsibly and deny acces to the criminal element. In the U.S. there is a real problem with gun crime. Take the Virginia tech shooting, there has to be a way where we can make it a whole lot harder for nut jobs like him to get their hands on guns.
2007-08-22 07:29:01 UTC
The people who think that gun control works, are simply intellectually deprived. As it has been proven time & time again that gun control is a waste of money, as criminals will always have access to them, even if normal citizens are denied this privelage.
2007-08-21 22:24:10 UTC
They are foolish enough to believe that guns cause crime, and foolish enough to believe that if guns are banned no one will get a gun. Most gun control supporters are not very intelligent. They don't know how easy it is for anyone trained in basic machine work to make a gun, bullets, and even gun powder. The intelligent people who support gun control are evil and mostly want others to be defenseless. Hitler was in this category, and banning civilian ownership of guns was one of his first acts once he gained power. Made it easier for him to round up people to fill the gas chambers...
2007-08-22 14:55:30 UTC

Ignorance is bliss,

And they are a bunch of happy *******.

(It's a case of media-perpetuated liberal stupidity.)

Gun control isn't about GUNS

It's about CONTROL.

The Left wants to CONTROL every aspect of your life.

Historically this has been difficult to accomplish when the citizenry have legally owned weapons.

In 1936 a power-hungry control-freak instituted the first modern gun-control legislation.


His name was HITLER.

(The U.S. gun control act of 1968,(the GCA 68) is almost a verbatim translation of Hitler's gun control act of 1936.


Tens of thousands of Americans die due to automobiles every year in America. Far more than die from being shot.

They die


and on purpose,

just like with guns.

But you never hear the leftists crying for "car control".....

Hitler's GCA didn't reduce crimes commited by German citizens.

It instead ALLOWED a crime to be perpetrated UPON German citizens.

And German Jews,

And Polish citizens,

And Russian citizens,

And Lithuanian citizens,

And French citizens,

And Dutch citizens,


Allowing abuse of government power with no fear of reprisal from the people is what gun control is REALLY about.
2007-08-22 00:29:47 UTC
Ignorance is bliss.

They believe that the destruction of guns will destroy all evil of the world.

But they fail to remember the was no gun available when the first murder was committed.

I guess they must believe that Cane had a AK47 when he killed Able!

Fools will forever be Fools.

Though I pray for peace I shall forever prepare for war


Hunting with Rifle, Pistol, Muzzle loader and Bow for over 3 decades.

Reloading Rifle, Pistol and shotgun for over 3 decades.
2007-08-21 22:27:38 UTC
We're a free country that has never had a succesful invasion, because we have guns. The countries that do have strong gun control have governments that control the people. Hmmm... Socialists like Stalin, Hugo Chavez, Castro, Jong-Il, etc. I'm sure Hilary Clinton would like to have her name in that list too...
2007-08-21 22:57:07 UTC
Look at Va. Tech.

You have a small community with no guns allowed.

Someone comes in who doesn't obey the law and begins shooting people.

How many people would he have shot if their were responsible, armed citizens of this "community".
2007-08-21 23:29:52 UTC
It is based purely on emotion and misinformation. As far as they know, guns are dangerous by themselves, bullets are going to explode in a hot car, semi-automatic means assault rifle, and the second amendment is somehow optional. What they forget is that we are given those rights in case(worst case scenario of course) one day we ever have to defend ourself against our own tyrannical government. If we surrender those rights, we are asking to be pushed around.
2007-08-22 03:05:17 UTC
I really hate all those people who are for gun control.Like you said if America was disarmed criminals would be the only ones with guns.I think that violent crimes would go up.I know one thing I will not live to see the day they take away my guns.

After they kill me they can take mine.
2007-08-22 03:16:02 UTC
The only people that think gun control works are the liberals like Rosie O'Donnell, and John Kerry. They can kiss my redneck @$$.
2007-08-22 01:03:01 UTC

lots of good info on gun control here,check out furys rants,(and a couple of my own)this is a good place to blow off steam,when someone ask me about gun control working I say sure it works,just ask Hitler,Stalin,Castro,Hussein,and the rest of em.,gun control is moronic,all it does is lleave law abiding citizens defensless
2007-08-22 13:57:29 UTC
when they arrest people who carry guns, they think " oh, he had a gun. guns caused this." no, people who didn't finish high school who live on the streets caused this. guns just aided the morons who caused this.

my favorite pro gun statement from my grandma "my dog died, but i still got my .38"
2007-08-21 22:18:48 UTC
Nobody thinks that gun control works.

Anybody who *thinks* knows that not only does it fail, but it's a bad idea.
Matt S
2007-08-22 01:38:40 UTC
Cuz they are stupid liberals who think everyone will be nice if you ask them to. and I'm with ya, cept they'll need to haul 14 outta here...
2007-08-22 02:41:15 UTC
I;ve posted this before, but I'll do it again.

Gun Control Works !

*In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

*In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

*Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

Adolph Hitler imposed the first gun control on citizens in 1935 in the form of full registration.. Look what it led to in 1938 (confiscation) and beyond...

*China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

*Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

*Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

*Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million 'educated' people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

*Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.

*It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. The first year results are now in: Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent) !

In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent.

(Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns!)

While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since criminals now are guaranteed that their prey are unarmed .

There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the ELDERLY. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australian society of guns. The Australian experience and the other historical facts above prove it.

You won't see this data on the American evening news or hear our president, governors or other politicians disseminating this information.

Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws affect only the law-abiding citizens .

Take note my fellow Americans....before it's too late!

The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind them of this history lesson. With guns, we are 'citizens'. Without them, we are subjects'.
2007-08-22 02:30:04 UTC
>They< must be doing something right, they have you calling it "gun control" >Which is an absolute lie
Todd V
2007-08-21 22:12:39 UTC
Gun control is HITTING WHAT YOU AIM AT !!!!!!
2007-08-22 04:54:41 UTC
liberal, biased media. thats alot of it.
j d
2007-08-23 00:06:23 UTC
They believe what they are told too......
2007-08-22 01:40:06 UTC
preaching to the choir....
2007-08-22 10:27:36 UTC
you know what they say " no brains no headache"
2007-08-21 22:53:03 UTC
liberal media.F*cking hippies.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.