I love to hunt it is written on my vehicle, my clothing, etched in my mind, talked about to my friends quite frequently, It is a part of me .
I use my amendment to bear arms, I take extremely good care of my arms so they are able to preform well in the field.
Hunting is a trait that we inherited from our ancestors maybe not necessarily the killing of animals, why I say this is because we as humane beings do hunt for other things think about it.
Getting back to the hunting part man has exterminated or interfered with nature by eliminating all the larger predators, this was done because of poulation people were having a hard time living to close to some of these predators,some though have become extinct.
so in turn we are over run with certain animals Deer and Elk for instance our society has developed groups called conservationist
that keep every thing going by having seasons so we can harvest and keep everything in balance.
This my own view and comment I hope it is understandable.