What is the best and worst of the guns you have or had?
2009-06-05 09:03:50 UTC
Everyone has a good story about a real Lemon. Feel free to lay on a good story.

Lock and load. Keep your powder dry.
-Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is the muzzle flash-

35 answers:
2009-06-05 11:48:11 UTC
My worst firearm luck has always been with Remington 700s. I've had the trigger mechanism freeze while hunting and I've had the bolt handle detach from the bolt body(made worse by the wonderful Remington customer service). I've sold all of the 700s that I bought except one that belongs to my wife.

My best would probably be my pre-64 model 70 featherweight .270. It is a great rifle and has been used in colder temps than the 700 that I had freeze up.
2009-06-07 07:12:10 UTC
Personally I've never had a "bad" gun. Depending on the use the gun is intended for I'd have to list 3 as the best I've had. For wingshooting the best I've ever owned was a Weatherby pump 12 ga with a 3" cambering and interchangeable choke tubes. I wound up selling it and don't remember the model #. For small game the best is an old Savage with a .22 rifle barrel over a 20 ga shotgun barrel. If you miss with the .22 and the critter runs a quick follow up with the 20 ga usually bags em. For larger game (deer and black bear) my best would be my Remington 700 BDL with a Leupold 3-9 scope. It's tack driving accurate at 100 yards, prints within a 2" circle at 200 yards, and shoots 150 to 180 gr bullets to the same point of impact out to 200 yards.
2009-06-05 13:19:50 UTC
Best would be any of my Rugers, Remingtons (yes a couple of 700's with nary a trouble and numerous 870's without any troubles) I would suppose that most people buy a modest priced gun and expect it to preform like those european o/u's and side by side, that cost in the 10's of thousands and those are what a waste. One could purchase 10 guns for that price, that would out shoot any of euro trash. May not be as pretty, but I don't eat the gun...just what it kills. The cheapest gun I purchased was a Remmie 710 and put a 100 dollar scope on it and I'll be damned it has through the years always shot sub MOA .

And my favorite.... Model 99 Savage with a old weaver 4x on it.

Worst would have been a Llama mini-max .45 acp...worst shooting falling apart pos I ever owned.
2009-06-05 12:48:26 UTC
The worst gun I have ever had was a chinese SKS paratrooper model set up to use AK 47 magazines. The trigger had 5 (yes, five) distinct levels of creep before it would go bang. It couldn't hit a barn from the inside.

The best gun I have is a Chicom 7.62x25 Tokarev pistol. It is a cheap, crudely made thing, but it is 100% reliable. It just fits my hand well, and the bullets go exactly where I want them too. It is the only firearm I have that I can point and shoot with, without using the sights, and still reasonably expect to hit my target. I have all kinds of other toys to play with, and many that are MUCH more expensive, or better built. But if I had to grab one gun to check on something going bump in the night, that would be it. I have several thousand rounds through it, and it is still going strong.
Dont Call Me Dude
2009-06-05 10:55:49 UTC
Best is my Glock 26 with the addition of the 1911-style safety designed by the great pistolsmith Joe Comonolli.

So the only problem with Glocks has been eliminated. And I still get Glock quality, accuracy, durability and ease of disassembly and maintenance.

My lemon is my Auto Ordnance replica M1 .30 Carbine. It jams, it only accepts some GI parts, it looks a little cheap (and it wasn't!), and it has NEVER felt right when I hold it and aim it.

The nut on the gas valve thingie comes loose after two or three shots, even though it was tightened with the special wrench. Magazines have fallen out when my finger was NOWHERE near the release catch. The safety has gotten stuck in the "on" position. The slide sometimes got stuck with the bolt closed, and when I replaced it with a GI slide, THAT gets stuck OPEN every second round.

Even the most expensive beat-up GI M1 carbine is light-years ahead of this "new" POS.
Marcus Aurelius
2009-06-06 01:26:14 UTC
My worst gun that I have owned was a new Colt Anaconda 44 mag that the hammer locked up on after 8 rounds. I sent it back to Colt they fixed that problem then found out the barrel was canted. Sent it back again, when I got it back it looked like a three year old had worked on it with a dremel tool. Screws were all bunged up, customer service sucked. Biggest pos I have owned, definitely left a sour taste in my mouth, couldn't get rid of it fast enough. I didn't have a boat so I didn't need an anchor so I traded it for bottle of beer and a pack of m&m's.

My Ruger MK II is awesome, never jams, accurate and cheap to shoot.
10 minutes late
2009-06-05 15:33:58 UTC
BEST: Love my Glock 22. Nothing fancy, just goes bang everytime and is pretty accurate for a duty pistol

WORST: Ok, I'll admit it... My first pistol was a Jennings J-22 I bought off of Gunbroker. I was all proud, 21, my first handgun, and I only spent 70 bucks for it, and it looks so cool! Wow! After a week of waiting, I got it and took it to the desert to check her out. Fired one mag flawlessly. The was the first and last time it fired correctly. Every single shot after that jammed. Stovepipe, failure to feed, mag issues, you name it, I got it. Well, I couldn't give up on my first pistol, so I sent it away to be smithed. Yep, I said it, I send a J-22 to a gunsmith and spent $50 on a $70 gun to do it. Well, when I got it back, I took it out again. Slapped a mag in, racked it, pulled the trigger.... It fired the entire mag full auto. Tried again, same result: full auto. Tried a third time... JAM. JAM. JAM. The only time it worked again after that was if I manually inserted a bullet into the chamber and slowly returned the slide. If I let it go, it would slam fire. After trying different ammo, cleaning, detailing, lubing... I just gave up. Rather than curse someone else with that POS, I took it apart, cut the receiver in half and hammered everything down flat.

The light at the end of my tunnel was I learned that you get what you pay for and quality doesn't come cheap.
2009-06-05 10:14:50 UTC
Never had a worst. The best? Tough choice. For rifles I would have to go with my Colt Sporter Target model. 20 years old and never a problem. A great shooter. My M1 Garand runs a close 2nd but needs a bit more upkeep.

Pistols: Revolver:I had a S&W 686 years ago. 2 actually. I am sorry as hell I sold either one. Semi: I have a Taurus PT-92 purchased over 20 years ago. I have never had a problem with it shooting all types of ammo. It is accurate to boot. With an 18 rd mag, you get tired before it runs dry.

Shotguns: All are great. Not a bad one in the bunch.
Uncle Pennybags
2009-06-05 16:02:19 UTC
My best is probably my S&W Model 645 .45 ACP pistol. It's been a wonderful pistol. Very reliable, feels good to shoot, pretty accurate, looks really good.

Worst - probably my Ruger Mark II .22 pistol. I bought this based on it's reputation, but the thing was a complete piece of crap from the moment I bought it new. It would constantly stovepipe the ammo regardless of which ammo I used. Did it with 3 different magazines. I don't think I ever shot a full magazine without at least 2 jams.

Looking back on it, I probably should have sent it back to Ruger and had them fix or replace it. Instead I traded it and was happy to be rid of it.
2009-06-05 09:41:37 UTC
Stoeger over and under shotgun... I liked the pointed and swung well enough. The trigger was terrible and could not be fixed.-

Long gritty and would not break the same two shots in a row.

Had a Smith and Wesson 39-2 years ago that would feed and eject like a champ... and sprayed lead like a mist head on a garden hose... traded that away. Picked up another one... capable of one hole groups at 25 yards... it hangs up every 20 rounds or so...

Every thing elese... very good or better... traded for something new or a better deal that came along... I have several Remington and Ruger products that have been "perfect" from day one.
2009-06-05 10:38:01 UTC
The worst gun that I could say that I have ever owned was a Jennings Model 9 (9mm) semi-auto pistol. I didn't believe all the hub bub about them and I bought one. Used it at my conceal carry class when we went to the range to qualify and while shooting the magazine fell out. Got rid of it in a hurry after I tried to find out what the cause was, which I never did.

Best gun I have had...humm hard to say all the ones I have now, some 13 or so, all are good. Haven't had any issues or bad experiences with any of them. But I do keep them clean and well taken care of. These are my tools sort of speaking...I use my rifles and shotguns to hunt with, my pistols and revolvers are used for self defense (conceal carry).
2009-06-05 09:15:37 UTC
The Worst was the SKS Carbine from Hell, It would shoot a 18" group from the bench at 100 yards provided it did not jam which it did about every third round. I think it would make a good fence post or tomato stake.

The best I suppose is my P-14 Enfield made in 1916 still shoots a 3" or smaller ten shot group from the bench at 200 yards!
2009-06-05 09:29:17 UTC
The worst rifle i ever had was a springfield 30-30 bolt action. I could not hold a group even off a bench and the trigger was the worst I have every had on a firearm. The best gun I ever had was a colt Trooper II 357mag with a 6" barrel.
chris w
2009-06-06 16:58:40 UTC
as a range instructor at dons guns in indy i test fired guns that customers complained about. one of the guns that got the most complaints was the bryco(now jimmez) 9mms. the old brycos had a little clip behind the firing pin that held the slide on.on firing it this clip broke and the slide went flying down range.very un-nerving.i have had great luck with the marlin 32-20 mdl 94,the 30 m1 carbine,the win 30-30,the 6.5 mauser and the 22-250 and 243 savages
2009-06-05 17:20:59 UTC
Best was my Mosin Nagant bolt-action rifle. Very heavy, but 2 1/2" grouping at 150 yards. Worst was a 6.5mm Italian Carcano. Horrible grouping at 100 yards, and 50 yards was still pretty bad...
2009-06-05 18:29:30 UTC
My best was a Ruger Mini-14. I should have kept that one. I don't think I've ever had any real duds, though my 6.5 mm Carcano seems a bit dubious since a box of new ammo for it costs more than the rifle did.

Disarmament is slavery.
2009-06-05 12:39:08 UTC
Best...Beretta Cheetah, carried it for many years- no problems.

Worst... S&W Sigma 40 cal.........never got 1 magazine through it (~10 years) Absolutely the biggest mistake S&W ever made. They finally got the new ones fixed- but they are still a piece of trash. There are thousands of older ones laying in the bottom of many gun cabinets across the USA that have less than 20 rounds through them, but they are DOA (dead on arrival).

New name- S&W Stigma!
2009-06-05 11:23:06 UTC
The best gun I've ever had is a Savage model 110 in .270, shoots great groups and stops everything dead in its tracks. Now the worst would have to be my Savage model 93 in .17 HMR, it has horrible groups and needs to be cleaned after every 10 shots.
2009-06-05 16:49:56 UTC
Best -

My Mosin Nagant WWII era sniper rifle (7.62 x 54r) made in 1942

My Romainian AK47

My CZ-52 (7.62 by 25)

My CZ-82 (9x18)

My 7.62 Nagant seven shoot revolver

Winchester 25/35 lever action made in 1904 (hard to find ammo for but well worth it).

Yeah I have a thing for Eastern European guns.

Worst - Jimenez 9mm - sucked big time. Jammed every other shot.
2009-06-05 19:59:55 UTC
Best My Sig sauer p220 .45acp, Glock 19 eat's any ammo I feed it. Ruger single six .22 revolver my favorite gun. Remington 1187 28 gauge shotgun. HK p30L most comfortable handgun I have ever shot. I've never had any bad firearms. I guess I've been lucky when it comes to guns.
2009-06-05 10:36:18 UTC
Worst smith and wesson body guard 38 revolver easy to hide but if you wanted to hit anything you needed to hold the two inch barrel against what you wanted to shoot.

Best Colt python 357 mag. cuz I'm a lefty and the gun rolled into my hands when revolving into battery much like the Smith does for rightys.
NAnZI pELOZI's Forced Social
2009-06-05 09:47:38 UTC
Worse Gun I ever Bought was a DAN WESSON PISTOL PACK. That piece of junk would never time right. It skipped ever 3rd or 4th round...

Best purchase was a RUGER Convertible .45 Colt/ACP with a 7 1/2 inch barrel...
2009-06-05 11:39:54 UTC
Worst was a Charter Arms revolver. Best my Ruger Blackhawks
2009-06-05 14:05:45 UTC
My best is my Lancaster. I did have a Yugo SKS which would jam and take over 400lbs of force on the bolt carrier to open it and was making primers bulge. I sold that. But it isn't is bad as watching my freinds Hi-Point .40S&W explode in his hands. He's OK by some miracle.
Poor Richard
2009-06-05 12:47:53 UTC
Best ones- Ruger, Springfield, Beretta, Browning.

Worst one- I agree with several- the Smith and Wesson Sigma is a dog.
2009-06-05 11:05:01 UTC

winchester 1200 12 G pump

marlin 35 lever action/4 power bushnell

taurus mod 65..38 ss


remington 870 clunky, stiff action,bad trigger

remington mountain rifle Mod 700..often jammed cycling after a shot

walther after i go it recalled...6 weeks ago...Im waiting...still owned by S&W fyi
Cougars & Texans
2009-06-05 09:29:45 UTC
Worst pistol, .40 cal S&W Sigma. It always jammed and eventually, it broke. The piece of $h!t wasn't worth taking to a shop to be fixed.
2009-06-05 09:27:40 UTC
my best gun would have to be my browning invector plus bps special steel 12 guage and i really have never had a lemon, yet and hope i dont however im sure everyone eventually does
2009-06-05 13:04:55 UTC
best would have to be my H&R excell auto 5 semi auto 12 gauge

my worst would have to be my crosman c11 bb pistol because that is the only other lethal projectile weapon i have
2009-06-05 11:44:48 UTC
My Remington 700 is growing on me.

I'm considering burying an Aya Yeoman 12g I bought - total shite!
2009-06-05 12:17:40 UTC
The only gun i've ever owned is a 12 gage shotgun, by remmington.

It's fantastic,

I absolutley love it.
2009-06-05 12:10:49 UTC
beat .410 shotgun worst .177
2009-06-05 09:12:56 UTC
Thank GOD I have not had a bad one cause I always bought good quality guns. Even my first sears .22 auto still works fine and shoots the hairs ojf a nats aess at 100yds.
2009-06-05 09:53:00 UTC
My best gun was my AK-47 and my worst was a cheap Kel-Tec .380 that I bought that kept jamming once every 3 shots and I took it back to the store and I'm glad that I got rid of it.
2009-06-05 09:26:07 UTC
my mosin is a piece of junk i should of never bought it.

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