BEST: Love my Glock 22. Nothing fancy, just goes bang everytime and is pretty accurate for a duty pistol
WORST: Ok, I'll admit it... My first pistol was a Jennings J-22 I bought off of Gunbroker. I was all proud, 21, my first handgun, and I only spent 70 bucks for it, and it looks so cool! Wow! After a week of waiting, I got it and took it to the desert to check her out. Fired one mag flawlessly. The was the first and last time it fired correctly. Every single shot after that jammed. Stovepipe, failure to feed, mag issues, you name it, I got it. Well, I couldn't give up on my first pistol, so I sent it away to be smithed. Yep, I said it, I send a J-22 to a gunsmith and spent $50 on a $70 gun to do it. Well, when I got it back, I took it out again. Slapped a mag in, racked it, pulled the trigger.... It fired the entire mag full auto. Tried again, same result: full auto. Tried a third time... JAM. JAM. JAM. The only time it worked again after that was if I manually inserted a bullet into the chamber and slowly returned the slide. If I let it go, it would slam fire. After trying different ammo, cleaning, detailing, lubing... I just gave up. Rather than curse someone else with that POS, I took it apart, cut the receiver in half and hammered everything down flat.
The light at the end of my tunnel was I learned that you get what you pay for and quality doesn't come cheap.