As experienced as he might be, don't rely just on your buddy's info, or what you can find on the Net.
Unless you are getting manuals along with equipment, before you resize your first case, go to a shop that deals in reloading supplies, or you can order them over the net, but buy AT LEAST one (MORE IS BETTER) reloading manual that describes the procedure of reloading in detail and READ IT!
I have been reloading for over 35+ years, and have manuals from Speer, Sierra, Hodgdon, and Hornady, among others, most of which are older than posters on this forum, and I NEVER rely on memory when reloading even my most favorite loads. This is after WELL over half a million reloads! (I quit trying to guesstimate YEARS ago!)
Take it from an ol' timer, BUY the books & USE 'em!
P.S: One of the Ten Commandments of Reloading:
"Alcohol and Powder DO NOT MIX!"
When you reload, be STONE COLD SOBER!