It's called an AD - Accidental Discharge - and it happens to the least experienced shooters AND the most experienced shooters. People who handle pistols on a daily basis can become complacient, they've been safe so long they feel secure, bend a rule - and then you have an AD. You see allot of professionals keep their firearm in the leather, take it off in the leather and put it back on in the leather. It's the guys who have to constantly clean them that usually have accidents.
Next to that - being unfamiliar with a firearm is probably the biggest downfall to an experienced shooter.......... and admitting you 'don't know something' , well, guys just don't do that.
I've been a rifle/pistol competitor for 40 years, instructor for 20+ years, always carry a concealed pistol - and it's a wonder I haven't had one yet. I've known seveal folks who have. One friend had his 12ga go off and it blew a chunk out of the ceiling and the floor where his litttle girl was sleeping. I know at least three guys while I was in the military who have shot the mirror in their room - (practicing quick draw..... but wouldn't admit it). One of my good friends shot his foot doing a quick draw in the house - pistol discharged in the holster, missed his leg, but entered his brand new pair of $900 boots and cut slice out of his ankle. He was more made about the boot than his foot. Texan.
My favorite was when the military decided one day everyone was to carry a 45. Poof, everyone was strapping them on - no training, nothing, here's your pistol, three mags - have a nice day. Five guys with 45's in a small room unloading their pistols - BANG - the guy who actually fired the round had no idea his was the one that went off and hit the wall. First words out of his mouth, "What was that???". On the other side of the wall was the coffee mess........ one guy was pouring a cup of coffee when the AD happened - bullet never penetrated the wall, but, he freaked and threw hot coffee all over himself. Had to give both guys the day off they were so shook.
Right now, you are the best person to speak to others about this....and save someon's life...... because it actually happended to you. I've preached safety for many years, but, nothing says it better than coming from somone that actually expeienced it. So please, don't keep it a secret. Just be thankful you kept it in a safe direction. .......... so your not retarted. Just human.