2013-02-19 11:13:01 UTC
I have a 2 part question.
First, I know that firearm suppressors are illegal in the state of Minnesota (stupid I know), but I cannot find the statue or law or anything even matching the term in Minnesota laws anywhere. Does anyone know what the verbiage, statue or law number is? Like I said, I cannot find one single mention of it in any of the state laws.
Second, and more importantly, what parts are consider a suppressor? I’m sure that the tube and baffles are considered a suppressor, but what I am wondering is even though suppressors are illegal in Minnesota, are the mounts i.e. - the recoil piston, barrel mount, recoil booster (Nielsen device)?
Here are some sites if you don’t know what I am talking about:
I contacted both SWR and Gemtech. SWR said that the pistons and LCD are considered mounts. That really doesn’t tell me anything.
Gemtech said that it was my responsibility to find out if it is legal or not and that they will not be held legally responsible if it is not. Also this doesn’t really tell me anything.
I also looked at the NFA site and it is not specific enough about what parts are considered suppressors.
Any ideas or knowledge to pass on? i'm considering contacting the ATF directly at this point.