Yes, It's very confusing and Inconsistent,
Actually the difference between an "AR-15" and an "M16"
(I will accept and use both of the above terms to mean Semi-auto only and select fire, respectively; without regard to historical accuracy or model designation.)
Are ; Lower receiver, Hammer, Trigger, Sear(both Semi auto and full) Burst pack parts( if in A2 configuration), Selector, and bolt carrier!
The lower receiver is the registered NFA weapon in an AR/M16 type weapon.
The Upper receiver is the registered NFA weapon in a select fire FAL
In H&Ks it can be a registered reciever, or a registered auto sear in multiple calibers.(9mm,.223,.308, etc)
Steyr AUGs use a registered trigger "pack"
It all depends on the exact configuration of the NFA rifle you want to own.
Bottom line!!!
If you own 1 Semi-auto AR-15 type rifle, and any components of an M16 (i.e a full auto bolt carrier, hammer, trigger, selector, auto sear, burst pack, Short barreled upper receiver, E.T.C.)
The B.A.T.F.E will consider you to be in posesstion an unregistered machinegun and you will be subject to federal prosecution!!
Do NOT F-around, if you are interested in a "Class-3", NFA weapon contact a local dealer and ask them all the questions.
Good luck,