When I go to the shooting range, and I see an Assault Rifle, it sort of upsets me. Anyone else feel this way?
2010-02-25 14:59:39 UTC
I like guns. I have pistols, rifles, and shotguns. But I expect a gun to look like a gun, not a military weapon. I have been in the military. (MOS 57E) I have handled military firearms. But they were locked up and kept controlled most of the time. I expect a gun to have wood, and look like something a guy in a red and black checked jacket might carry. When I go to the range and see something with a black stock, and a 30 shot banana clip, and a bayonet mount, and a pistol grip, I find it disturbing. I find it even more disturbing when I do out to the high desert, and they are firing the things rapid fire and shooting at old cars or store manniquins or the like. Perhaps this is because I am a member a group that is intensely disliked by militias and right wing extremist groups. Am I the only person that feels that way?
22 answers:
2010-02-25 17:20:38 UTC
What upsets me is meeting people that have serious psychological issues and after having read and answered a few of your questions you leave me wondering.

It is hidden fears that are set in place causing the disturbing emotions your having. For most it is common things like high places, bugs, and the dark. For you it appears to be modern firearms, military looking ones at that. Your psychosis probably started out in your youth from watching too many scary war movies or late night TV with the Vietnam war news on if your as old as I think you are. You also want to connect with a macho mindset individual but yet fear the rejection you will receive because of your personal fears. Using this forum allows you to make that connection without having to deal with a direct rejection and allows you to sensor the input you do get in a kind of control issue way. Since you cannot control your other feelings, this is a way for you to attempt to control something in your life even if it is an illogical response from your behavior. Since there is no real difference but cosmetics in the type of guns available to the general public, it is your personal fears that are clouding your judgment in judging what others have and enjoy to shoot.

I suggest you get counseling as these hidden fears could well up inside you and cause manic depression, and suicidal tendencies. And since you have guns and stated so in your other questions that psychotic cases should not own guns, I think it is time for you to hand your guns over to the brother you said you have and get the help you need before it's too late.

*I can see by your response that I am correct, it's a I get the last word thing. If you had quoted my statement fully, in that I am willing to share what I learned people would get a bigger picture. Since you continue to badger and belittle those that disagree with you, you clearly have some issues. Hang in there help is coming I hear the sirens now.
2010-02-25 15:08:13 UTC
Yeah pretty much. A semi auto magazine fed firearm is no more deadly than a single shot 22. I don't understand why it would upset you. A gun is a gun. If you're at the wrong end of it does it matter how many rounds it holds? Are you then saying that we should only be able to have sing shot rifles and revolvers? Remember that most deadly shooting are from handguns and a VERY small amount sre with semi automatic rifles. The VT shooting was with a glock after all.

OH and also note that an ar15 is NOT a military weapon. And your definition of what you EXPECT a gun to look like is selfish and close minded. Not everyone likes the same things as you. Now enjoy blocking me on your new account :-)

Edit: Its not just "militias" and "right wing extremists" that don't like ignorant people

Edit #2: Thank you for backing up my previous statement. Ignorant people "assume" things. It would be like me assuming you are a bad person because you are gay. Its wrong to think that and has nothing to do with it. I own several semi auto rifles and have never been arrested or done anything even remotely illegal so why shouldn't I be allowed to own one? Common sense says if i had to defend myself and kill someone I'm not going to use my ar15, I'll use something way more effective such as a shotgun or pistol.
2010-02-25 16:14:35 UTC
My mosin has a bayonet mount. Does this disturb you?

My shotgun has a folding stock with a pistol grip, does this disturb you?

My .22 is black and can carry 19 shots in it. Does this disturb you?

Also, you live in California where high capacity magazines are banned. The most you see is 10, stop lying.

The reason you feel this way is because you let looks get in between you and a fun rifle to go shoot.

Sure it isn't as nice looking as a well maintained wood stocked rifle, but it will shoot just as straight and maybe you prefer taking one shot at a time, doesn't matter, you can take your time with a Self Loading Rifle.

And I assure you, there are no assault rifles at your range. Not a single one of them is a select fire weapon.
2010-02-26 07:39:22 UTC
"When I go to the shooting range, and I see an Assault Rifle, it sort of upsets me. Anyone else feel this way?"

I do! The fact I do not have one yet really gets me going...I am like "that guy right there has DPMS Panther in .308".... Why not Meeee! Me too. I want one.

Bottom line: Banana Clips, pistol grips, colors, and other accessories are all cosmetic. They do not make the rifle any more or less deadly.

Assuming someone is "right-wing" because of the firearm they enjoy shooting is like me assuming you are a left wing for finding it upsetting that you see the GUNS at GUN RANGES.
2010-02-25 16:57:28 UTC
I seriously doubt that you see many assault rifles. They are select fire. You are letting your imagination run away with you. The only way to fire them is full auto if you want to have some fun. I have never been to a public shooting range in my life, so I can't really comment on what my feelings are about seeing people having about the most fun that you can have with your clothes on. I did start buying semi-auto firearms with high capacity magazines, pistol grips, bayonet lugs, and bayonets for my oldest son when he turned 14. He had wanted some for quite a while, but I never saw any use for them. When the Democrats took over Congress in 2006, we decided then was the time go get them before they went up in price or were banned outright. They are a blast to shoot. You should try it some time. You don't have to operate a bolt or anything. He just brought his DPMS LR-243 out here for me to see the scope he just mounted on it. I prefer wood and blued steel, but the EBR look is growing on me since I have started purchasing them for my son.
Uncle Pennybags
2010-02-25 15:45:17 UTC
You are getting caught up in cosmetics, not the actual functionality of the rifle.

I saw this great video once, and I'm linking to it here for you. It was made by a San Jose, CA cop in the 1980s when we were struggling with the assault rifle issue.

In it, he shows several rifles, and takes one with the wood stock, that you talk about, and totally converts it to an evil looking "assault rifle." Yet all of his changes are cosmetic. The action and barrel of the rifle never changes. He removes the wood stock, and replaces it with a black composite one with a pistol grip and folding stock. Then he screws on a bipod. And lastly swapped magazines. But the functional part of the rifle never changes.

So now, I am not bothered by a military looking weapon because I know it's really no different than a traditional sporting rifle.

What group are you in that's disliked by militias and right-wing extremist groups?

PS...thank you for your service in the military, and in being a teacher.

UPDATE: Last I saw, being gay was not something that was a visible trait. Unless you are at the range wearing your Gay Pride tee-shirt, they should not know, and thus you'd have nothing to fear from these alleged right-wring extremists.
2010-02-25 15:45:16 UTC
Jim Zumbo felt the same way, after being roundly denounced by gun owners and becoming a poster child for the Brady campaign and other assorted left wing groups, and getting some counseling from Ted Nugent, he later came to regret the damage he caused to the gun owning community. He went on to apologize to the gun community and recanted his opinion. You might want to do a google search and read about his journey of self discovery.

Thankfully, some guys that belong to the local pink pistol shooting group where I live don't feel that way, they own some mighty fine EBRs, thank god for some diversity from everyone being Elmer Fudds . Besides, I don't think you're seeing true military assault rifles, which are severly restricted, especially in California, but rather plain old semi autos of a design concept that's been around for close to a century.

Based on some of your statements which have some factual errors ( i.e. "banana clips" vs. magazines, "Assault rifle" vs. semi auto rifle, and the fact California has had some form of AWB since 1989, I think your going a bit overboard in the hysteria department.
2010-02-25 15:24:26 UTC
I spent 22 years in the military. I handled "REAL" assault rifles. If it is not a weapon capable of full auto fire then it is NOT an assault rifle. If it is full auto capable it is either illegal or it is licensed under a special, very expensive FFL.

You sound like one of my US Senators. That brain trust managed to get a single shot .22 long rifle placed on the banned weapons list because it looked so "UGLY". Do you know what the GCA of 1968 said? Let me tell you junior. It started with stopping catalog sales of firearms, 100,000 laws later and if I buy ammunition or parts thereof I am fingerprinted. It is not possible to buy a handgun in my state without breaking the law. In another state you must BUY a license to exercise a right.

You're correct any patriot will shy away from you because you have no idea why the Second Amendment was written, you have no idea why it is as close to the top as it is and you have no idea what "Arms" were when it was written. Spend some time with the Federalist Papers, read the founders of this nation, then turn your SAFE guns in and move to someplace like Cuba where only the military, police and criminals are armed.


An armed man is a citizen.

An unarmed man is a subject.

A disarmed man is a prisoner.

Progressives (code word for Liberal Socialist) like you are what is killing the USA. When you and the President are more afraid of my firearms and returning soldiers than you are of some rogue group nuking LA it makes me and a lot of my fellow vets sick.
Straight Westcoastin'
2010-02-25 18:08:47 UTC
'Assault Rifles' are loads of fun to shoot. It's definitely you bud. My brother felt the same way for a long time because of the hippie crowd he runs with - they put stupid ideas in his head. But after I took him to the range a few times and he had a good time he is a little bit more open now.

If you can make some friends at the range they might let you shoot their AR's and you'll see how easy those things are to use. Much easier on the shoulder than a .30 cal hunting rifle.
2010-02-25 17:21:49 UTC
Provided they are behaving in a safe and responsible manner, I could care less what they are shooting.

Personally, I love hardwood stocks and blued steel. I find them to be nostalgic and decidedly easy on the eyes. That said, I dont see synthetic stocks, pistol grips, and bayo lugs as anything more than an aesthetic choice. They have nothing to do with the functionality of a firearm. Why would they "disturb" you? I am neither a militia member, nor right wing extremist, and I find your objection to be decidedly "odd."
2010-02-26 12:47:45 UTC
Pray tell, what is a 57E? I've never heard of that MOS.

And if military look-alike firearms disturb you that much, perhaps you should get some professional help.

Having served in the Army myself ( MOS 31V, radio repair- this was in the early '80's), I also share the dismay about Mr. Nugent's avoiding military service. But that's something with which he has to live.

Again, thanks for volunteering as a punching bag for this forum. You're actually helping us to stay in shape for facing the anti-gun traitors in this country.
J Kirsch
2010-02-25 19:27:17 UTC
Q. When I go to the shooting range, and I see an Assault Rifle, it sort of upsets me. Anyone else feel this way?

A. I don't. Then again I don't really care what guns anyone else likes to shoot. I figure its there business not mine. If they want to shoot a military-style, semi-automatic rifle*, I don't have a problem with that because its their preference and it doesn't effect me.

Military-style, semi-automatic rifles are NOT assault rifles. Assault rifles are select-fire (capable of full auto and/or 3-round burst, and semi-automatic fire) military rifles chambered in intermediate cartridges. A semi-automatic rifle cannot be an asault rifle because by its very nature it violates one of the defining characteristics of an assault rifle (IE its not a select-fire gun).
2010-02-25 18:34:21 UTC
If the sight of one rifle on the line that you don't like upsets you, you better stay away from the National Matches at Camp Perry Ohio. I guess you would pass out and need an ambulance ride.
2010-02-25 17:06:33 UTC
No, I don't. I don't care what other people shoot at the range, that's THEIR business. As long as they're not breaking any laws and abiding by the rules of whatever shooting range at which we are shooting they are welcome to do as they please.

I don't bother them. They don't bother me.

Personally, I think these huge big-bore hand cannons are just plain goofy and I view them as overcompensating for something else, but that's my opinion and I generally keep it to myself. I have no place telling other people what to do or what to spend their money on.

I don't believe that you belonging to a certain "group" has much bearing on it. how a person carries themselves around others (whether they agree with them or not) will have a big effect on how they're treated. Poitical leanings and other preferences don't even need to come up.
John de Witt
2010-02-25 16:27:28 UTC
You aren't alone, but you're definitely strange, not to mention having a non-standard definition of an assault rifle. I don't personally care for the things, either, but I don't see why my biases should affect somebody else's choices, even when they're wasting ammo. I like to think I'm more liberal than that. Perhaps instead of focusing on the firearms, you should work on your bigotry about other people.
2010-02-25 16:26:38 UTC
Question: "When I go to the shooting range, and I see an Assault Rifle, it sort of upsets me. Anyone else feel this way?"

Answer: No, I don't.

You're welcome to purchase what you like. Any attempt to take away my property or my rights is strongly discouraged.

It is bothersome that some people are anxious, disturbed, uncomfortable or even downright scared and terrified of inanimate objects. Are you afraid of pens or pencils causing spelling mistakes?

"... Fear is the mind-killer. ..." - from the novel Dune, by Frank Herbert.
2010-02-25 16:08:41 UTC
It upsets me that only the military is entitled to drive tanks around when I know of a city or two where law-abiding citizens need a tank to go to work every day.
2010-02-25 15:25:37 UTC
It doesn't bother me. Everyone has their own preferences, and as long as they are leaving others alone, there is no problem. I like wood stocks with blued barrels, but an assault weapon would be fun to fire.
2010-02-25 18:04:37 UTC

you were a 57E? you better not be lying about your service, because its your only semi-redeeming quality in my book. though i don't know many people would lie about being a laundry & shower specialist that served in kosovo?
2010-02-25 15:14:05 UTC
Knuckleheads bother me far more than any particular make of a gun.
2010-02-25 15:11:19 UTC
if you want a airsoft then go to hobby tron airsoft or airsoft mega store
2010-02-25 15:04:12 UTC
My god. You are funny.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.