Why should the Gov't have access to mental health records before issuing a pass on background checks?
2014-01-05 10:36:31 UTC
Because there are people out there that are clearly not a candidate for anything that will shoot!
Seventeen answers:
2014-01-05 12:04:21 UTC
Hopefully his next trick will be taping M80's to his nards and thus effectively removing himself from the gene pool. We have enough idiots breeding as it is.
2014-01-05 11:04:09 UTC
The problem is what standards the govermment would use. Mental health issues is one thing. But I remember when liberals floated around an idea where EVERY PERSON IN THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES who ever took ritalin or prednisone either currently or as a child should be PERMANENTLY a prohibited person with no possible recourse as it could minorly affect behavior in later years. How many people is that? Around half the country if not more and nearly 100% of all children raised in the 90's and early 200's like myself.

It is also a throw in the face of privacy rights. But this is the US government. If you want privacy you must be a terrorist or worse: a person who opposes obama. And those executive orders while not somthing to get really upset about are partially illegal. It also makes people who voluntarily committed themselves a prohibited person without any type of recourse.
2014-01-05 13:26:20 UTC
Considering that the DSM (what, we're on version 5 now, right?) is a very mutable book that has changed significantly over the last several versions, I do not think that mental health should be included in background checks. What happens to gun owners when the DSM 7 comes out in fifteen years, and one of the criteria for a new mental disorder is gun ownership? Hey, it could happen.

I think that mental health should ONLY come into play when a court has determined that an individual is a danger to others. In other words, when a person has been ADJUDICATED to be mentally deficient.
Bear Crap
2014-01-05 19:25:13 UTC
My answer is HELL NO!! So you have a fear of heights or a fear of spiders and you see a shrink BINGO you are now flagged with a metal disorder. Fact is most people have one form or another of a mental problem such as vertigo. When you give the Gov an inch they take it a thousand miles then a million, then a light year.

What glacierwolf said about medical facilities asking personal questions about guns I can verify. There are clinics in SE Alaska ran by S.E.A.R.H.C, that’s a tribal run, federally funded medical organization. They ask patients in the clinic suffering from anything be it the flu or back pain questions like; do you own guns? How many do you own, where do you keep them, what kind are they? Etc etc. I am not kidding. If you tell them that’s none of their business they reply that they are required to ask you. If you get mad and tell them to go to hell they escort you out of the building and tell you they will not give you ANY medical treatment unless you do not use profanity to staff. My friend who broke his arm when asked all that turned it around and said; doctor I know you hunt, so tell me what guns you have, how many, what kind and where do you keep them? That doctor replied; Mr ___ you seem to be paranoid and are acting ill rational I ask you to be calm now and let us treat you.

That idiot in the video should have zero reflection on gun owners or potential gun owners. Where are the mental tests for our elected? Should we require a psychological evaluation of anyone running for public office? Should we do that with any public job from the mail man to the school teacher?

Where do we say stop to this destruction of our freedoms and rights? If we don’t draw a line we could well turn out a dictatorship or a fascist country.

Ben Franklin;

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Edit; teaser to the video eh? Ok well thats great and I see the humor. But there is nothing funny to me about where our country is going and thats right down the crapper.
2014-01-05 10:53:28 UTC
This is nothing. When the 'Mental Health Checks' do not work........ they will demand that gun buyers prove that have never had mental health problems.....for the sake of the children, of course.

We already have this happening in the veterans administration. When you go in for a yearly checkup (free to most anyone who served in the US military) they ask right off the top, Do you feel safe at home? Are there guns in the home? The doctor and staff about pissed kittens when I told them 'Yes, I feel safe at home. My wife has a gun and knows how to use it." That was 7 years ago. I have never gone back to the VA since...... I am suppose to get new hearing aid every two years....... maybe when I am too old to shoot or hold a gun I will go back there.
2014-01-05 17:40:45 UTC
OK. Say they got them. Does that mean if you ever went to see a Psychologist or Psychiatrist you are forever banned from having a gun? The Gun grabbers would love that. Or do you say if you were ever admitted for mental health issues? Just where do we draw the line and who gets to draw it?

IMHO a Psychologist or Psychiatrist should be able to report patients they are concerned about and once reported, the POLICE have to do something about it. In the Aurora, CO shooting and the Navy Yard shooting the person was reported to the police and nothing was done. Forget background checks, how about the cops DO something when a nut case is reported to them?
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2014-01-05 11:51:42 UTC
LOL back when I was in the Alaska Public Safety Academy the Troopers would have called what the idiot in the video did a "Self Correcting Measure" menaing hopefully he'd never do something that stupid again. I'm also reminded of a saying my dad who's now 89 uses. "Stupidity should be painful"
2014-01-05 12:43:05 UTC
The problem is, mental health is too subject to personal biases to be a reliable basis for anything. Remember, being gay was considered a mental health problem until the mid-1970's, when the gays took over the psychiatric business.
2016-03-09 05:53:38 UTC
There is no such provision that puts your Medical record on the internet. It's a database that can be accessed via an intranet, but not on the internet proper.
2014-01-05 11:45:53 UTC
at a younger age I could understand the self-destructive idiot humor. I was notorious for tipping a few, then trying to ride childrens toys at high rates of speed. always ended poorly but that was the point. I cant explain why I was compelled to run head first into disaster, just for a laugh I guess. youthful exuberance doesn't really deserve an explanation does it? so while what this kid did was incredibly stupid, im sure he knew it was before he did it. im sure he knew it was going to end poorly.
2014-01-05 15:50:43 UTC
LOL....I almost drowned in my tea watching that!!!!

What he did was not stupid, because had he not posted it on Youtube, no one on earth would have known he was born missing his common sense. Posting it on Youtube, was the thing I would say marks him as an IDIOT!

The Darwin awards may see a winning contender, once the memory of this stupid deed fades from his feeble mind.

@GW, my dad used that saying... "I thought they were going to **** kittens, when....", always got a grin out of me, due to my overactive brain movies when I was a child.
2014-01-05 12:46:09 UTC
I have enough issues with the ATF,NSA & IRS in my affairs now. Now you want them in my health insurance & personal records?

while the Pros have some validity. There are a boat load of cons to this.
2014-01-05 10:52:31 UTC
That`s dangerous without hearing protection. Oh well, he probably won`t see 21 anyway. Taping C-4 to his buttock is the next video.
2014-01-05 11:22:02 UTC
They shouldn't. Get urself and ur 4.8 inch **** ought the vid homie
Space Cowboy
2014-01-05 10:42:42 UTC know what ?....he'll probably end up as President one day....
2014-01-05 16:37:50 UTC
T N T would have done us all a favor.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.