Let me pass on a story a friend told me before you choose a firearm for protection.
I took a friend of mine to the range a few months ago. This guy was very new to concealed carry and he wanted to know which gun he should carry. I took him to the range to try a variety of different guns.
The first gun he shot (Glock 26) he LOVED. He told me, “This is it… I have found my gun.”
He wanted to pack it up and go buy it right then, but I encouraged him to try a few more guns and see what else he might like.
The second gun he shot was a Springfield XDM 9mm. He started firing a few rounds and he looked at me and said enthusiastically, “THIS IS IT… this gun is amazing!”
Yet again he wanted to pack it all up and go and purchase this gun immediately, but I once again encouraged him to try out a few more guns.
The third gun he tried was the Glock 19. He fired a few rounds and he turned and smiled at me, but before he could open his mouth I said, “This is it huh? This is the BEST gun in the world huh?”
We laughed for a few minutes and then he realized that he in fact liked all of the guns he shot that day. Now he just needed to figure out which gun was most comfortable and which gun worked best for him. I believe all new shooters find this out, you are one of the few that can find this out before you purchase a sidearm.
Moral of the story is: don’t stop at the first gun you get your hands on. Don’t be afraid to test the waters a little bit, you’d be surprised at what you might like.