Yep, I sold my last one in New condition, I bet there was not an entire box of shotgun shells out of it. The magazine had no scuff mark whatsoever from opening the action. The gun was in fact " mint ". I was glad, and did sell it for $200.00. Now that being said, for insurance purposes, of course you generally have breaks where the value things, not to a exact dollar amount. For instance, yo have your two hundred dollar gun, but, if you insure it, you must take the five hundred dollar standard plan, cause they offer noting less. OK ?
Selling price, and value are completely different things. I would insure it for $300 - $400 dollars. If you ever loose it you then can settle for enough to get something else, or fairly close.
Join the NRA for $40.00 you get firearm insurance included. And a very nice magazine of your choice. Then you can get a list from the ILA ( Institute for Legislative Action ) that is very helpful to know who to vote for, who will protect your right to own that Ithica. Discounts for Firearm Safety Training, and access to some great folks at the Headquarters. Now sir, does your insurance company come close ?
I highly suggest the NRA, yes, they plead for donations, but, the Firearm training is Awesome for you and your family. Full disclosure, yes sir, I am an Instructor/Recruiter. But, it is an easy task when you live it, and appreciate all the NRA does for us.