where to buy parts to make silencer?
2010-07-19 12:44:37 UTC
where to buy parts to make silencer?
Thirteen answers:
2010-07-19 13:44:38 UTC
Hey Jeff, don't forget the mic's and calipers.
2016-12-24 01:39:27 UTC
2010-07-19 12:59:04 UTC
I am a legal NFA Suppressor/Silencer owner.

Parts can never be purchased.

I have a SWR "Spector" suppressor that breaks down into seven part for cleaning. If I were to loose or accidentally destroy one - I cannot simply buy the part. The whole suppressor must be sent back to the manufacturer.

If I took those 7 parts and handed them to 7 innocent people - all 7 people could get in trouble for posession of an illegal silencer. Because under NFA law - posession of one suppressor part is considered posession of suppressor.

Suppressors are made (at home) when you have a completed NFA Form 1 ($200 tax) in your hot little hands - or - you are a NFA authorized Class 2 Manufacturer ($500 for three years).

Don't let that $200 tax bother you. Back in 1934 when that tax was invoked, $200 was three months pay for the average worker. Today it is just dinner and a movie. There are lots of wonderful companies making very high tech and totally awesome suppressors - especially for 22LR - that only cost $235 to $450. The welded models cost half what the ones that disassemble do. Yankee Hill Machine, Sound Technologies, GEM and SWR to name a few.
2016-03-22 20:52:00 UTC
Is your story fiction and antigun? do like most liberals LIE. Fact is RDG and a couple others have given you the real information.. the term silencer is a misnomer. You cannot silence a weapon, you can suppress the sound level to some degree. The legality of ownership requires several federal forms and tax stamp paid. Suppressors are not legal to own or purchase in several stamps. Suppressors are gaining popularity as the result of efforts by the manufacturers to promote suppression in competitive shooting. But the hurdles for most gun owners in terms of paper work and price make a cost prohibitive feature of ownership. ATF - Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be the name of just another convenience store not a federal agency.
2016-04-05 11:35:01 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

Here is the low-down on silencers; This sorta pretains to real suppressors...but I figured this would give ya'll some idear as to where they're allowed and such. Contrary to popular belief, removable Silencer / Moderator / Sound Suppressors are legal to own under federal law. There are, however, 16 states, plus the District of Columbia , that prohibit the civilian ownership of removable Silencer / Moderator / Sound Suppressors. At this time, the following states allow private ownership of removable Silencer / Moderator / Sound Suppressors: AL, AR, AK, AZ, CO, CT, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, LA, ME, MD,MS, MT, ND, NE, NV, NH, NM, NC, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA,WV, WI, and WY. Of the sixteen states which do not allow civilian ownership, CA, IA, KS, MA, MO, and MI allow class 3 dealers and class two manufacturers to possess removable Silencer / Moderator / Sound Suppressors. Removable Silencer / Moderator / Sound Suppressors, like machine-guns, are proscribed under the National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934, and are regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. The procedure for owning a removable Silencer / Moderator / Sound Suppressors may seem daunting at first, but actually requires less paperwork than buying an automobile. The buyer then has the chief law enforcement officer (Sheriff, Chief of Police, head of state police agency, district attorney, a judge with the power of arrest, or any other law enforcement officer approved for this procedure by the National Firearms Act branch of the BATF) sign the rear of the Form 4 attesting the prospective purchaser does not possess a criminal record and is not wanted. The two fingerprint cards must be completed and signed by a law enforcement agency. The completed paperwork is then sent to the Department of the Treasury with a check or money order for $200.00. The $200.00 is known as a transfer tax, as it must be paid each time ownership of the removable Silencer / Moderator / Sound Suppressors is "transferred" (in this case, the dealer to the prospective purchaser). As long as the silencer is owned by the same person, the tax need not be paid again. Only if the owner sells it will a new transfer tax need to be paid. An owner may will his silencer to a lawful heir, with no tax incurred. Once the paper work is submitted, it normally takes less than sixty days to receive the approved, stamped paperwork from NFA Branch. It is only upon the return of the approved paperwork that the dealer can allow the prospective purchaser to take possession of his new silencer. A copy of the approved paperwork must accompany the silencer at all times (the original should be stored in a safe deposit box). Removable Silencer / Moderator / Sound Suppressors can be transported to other states which allow their ownership, but to transport a removable Silencer / Moderator / Sound Suppressors into one of the sixteen states which prohibit private ownership can subject the owner to serious state felony charges.
2015-08-07 23:54:05 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


where to buy parts to make silencer?
Neil H
2010-07-19 13:02:50 UTC
part #1you need is a NFA stamp from the ATF. cost; $200 wait time; 6 months.

with out that part you are looking at up to 10 years in prison.

you will need detailed plans on what you plan to make (including exact measurements), how you plan to make it, as well as a fingerprint card, extensive background checks, and references from the head of your local Police or sheriff's office.

After you have that, the parts are available at your local hardware store. all you need is a cutting torch, drill press, welding equipment, and/or a CNC machine.

You can buy them (provided you are old enough and there are no local restrictions blocking you from getting one) from an NFA dealer, but they will make you go through the exact same thing, but the silencers they sell will be much higher quality, and effective than anything you could build. (FYI; real silencers are nothing like the movies make them out to be)
2010-07-19 15:56:17 UTC
to all you people that think suppressors or "silencers" are illegal, THINK AGAIN! if you dont know anything about the question why answer it? i mean really...SILENCING IS NOT A CRIME! that is the best ad ive ever seen in my life. it was funded by Advanced Armament Corp. a suppressor company that believes the average joe (with an ATFE stamp of course) should be able to posses whatever floats their boat.

and ya know what. HAVING SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS is what floats my boat. so all you idiots out there that think they know about guns cause your grandpa gave you his old thirty-ot-six, or just dont know at all, you all need to stop posting stupid stuff online. when you market yourself as a gun man(or woman) on the internet people that dont understand guns, take your word for it. and thats what hurts the firearms industry and right to bare arms.

be smart people about what you say on the web people.
2010-07-19 12:54:42 UTC
first part... engine lathe

second part... milling machine

a pretty good set of basic hand tools... and some idea of how to engineer such a device.

Then you need to do some paper work with the BATFE if you live in the USA --- before you get started
2010-07-19 16:16:39 UTC
You shouldn't make a silencer without a Class III license issued by the B.A.T.F. and even with the license I still don't think it's legal to manufacture one.
2010-07-19 14:58:36 UTC
they do not work on semi or full auto ,,,try this if your puting this on a pistol and it semi have a friend work the action at 50 yds see if you can hear it then at 100 bet you can,,, on a sniper bolt action yes it is the art of not seen no heard not even there
2010-07-19 13:06:01 UTC
Having a Silencer is illegal in the USA; and for good reason too!
large testicles
2010-07-19 12:48:06 UTC
Silencers are illegal in the US, if you wanna make your own you can google it. do so at your own risk.

Remember they are illegal and you can get in serious trouble if you are found in possession of one.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.