give Hodgdon Triple 7 black powder substitute a try. works good for me. grade FFFFG.
homemade musket pistols or long guns, great for things of a pyrotechnic nature too.
DO NOT grind powder unless you know exactly what you're doing. me being part pyro, knows exactly what I'm doing so I can grind FFFFG powder even finer. alot of my "pyrotechnic devices" has shown they work best with Triple 7 ground as fine as flour.
If you grind powder that fine you're putting yourself at extreme risk, extreme precautions must be taken or you might just find yourself missing a few limbs...
Also blackpowder that fine is useless in guns. its burns way too fast, as fast as flash powder, it's its an explosive, not a propellant.
it's also very hard to grind powder to just the right size- there's only 3 sizes when grinding:
coarse as gravel, fine as beach sand, and finer than flour (when it easily become airborne as dust). I have no idea how you can make FFG to FFFFG perfectly, you're not using some kind of professional powder processing machine.
basically just go buy some Triple 7 powder, FFFFG and try it out. it should work pretty well.
and do not grind the existing powder! unless you're part pyro for a full pyro. Don't call yourself a pyro unless you really are one, we're talking about life and limb here.